Since the definition of Business Support Service was amended w.e.f. 01.05.2011 to include ‘operational or administrative assistance in any manner’ hence, the services in relation to operational and administrative assistance could only be taxed post the said amendment and not before that.
Explore the case of Popular Vehicles and Services Ltd. vs Commissioner of Central Tax & Central Excise (CESTAT Bangalore). Analysis of service tax demand on free services and warranty labor, with references to legal precedents and departmental decisions.
Fidelity Business Services India Pvt. Ltd. Vs Commissioner Of Central Tax (CESTAT Bangalore) Photography Services were availed by the appellant for capturing the business events which are necessary to keep record of the events conducted as well as for future reference hence this service also falls within the definition of Input Service. Further, with regard […]
Ace Creative Learning Pvt. Ltd. Vs Commissioner of Central Tax (CESTAT Bangalore) Appellant is providing Commercial Training and Coaching Services and they have also invested in the mutual funds and have earned profit during the year 2014-15, 2015-16 & 2016-17 which they have shown as under the head ‘other income’. The Department has wrongly considered […]
CESTAT Bangalore, in M/S. Anheuser Busch Inbev India Ltd. v. Commissioner of Central Tax [Service Tax Appeal No. 20374 of 2020, decided on February 18, 2021] held that no service tax under reverse charge mechanism is payable on the license fee and other application fee paid to the State Excise department for grant of liquor license. Further, confirmed the Service tax demand on Storage License fee for CO2 which the Appellant is liable to pay along with interest.
Venkateshwara Power Projects Ltd Vs Commissioner of Central Tax (CESTAT Bangalore) Assistant Commissioner passed the Order-in-Original on 18/03/2019 but the same was not actually delivered to the appellant. The appellant only came to know on 12/03/2020 when they received a letter from the Superintendent informing them about the passing of the Order-in-Original and ordered to […]
Target Corporation India Pvt Ltd Vs C.C.E. (CESTA Bangalore) Definition of ‘Manpower Recruitment or Supply Agency’ seeks to bring under its ambit, two types of activities i.e. recruitment of manpower and supply of manpower and further the service becomes the taxable service only if provided by a manpower recruitment or supply agency but in the […]
No service tax applicable to salary paid to employees under the secondment agreement as persons seconded to assessee working in the capacity of employees and payment of salaries etc was made to such employees by group companies only for disbursement purposes and hence employee-employer relationship exist and the whole arrangement between assessee and its group companies did not fall under the taxable service of manpower recruitment or supply agency service as defined under the Finance Act, 1994.
It has been consistently held that sales commission fall under definition of ‘input service’. By following the ratio of the above said decisions, we hold that denial of CENVAT Credit on sales commission is not sustainable in law.
Religare Technova Global Solutions Ltd. Vs Commissioner of Service Tax (CESTAT Bangalore) Conclusion: Since the activities undertaken by assessee were covered under the Information Technology Services as taxable under Section 65(105)(zzzze) with effect from May 16, 2008 and prior to 16-5-2008, even the services rendered by assessee was excluded from the scope of consulting engineer’s […]