ITAT Raipur held that exemption under section 54B of the Income Tax Act is allowable since pre-condition regarding usage of land for agricultural purposes in two years immediately preceding date of transfer is satisfied. Accordingly, appeal allowed.
ITAT Pune held that denial of exemption under section 10(23C) of the Income Tax Act for bonafide mistake of filing ITR-5 instead of correct ITR-7 not justifiable since the same is just a procedural technical mistake.
ITAT Mumbai held that Sai Baba Sansthan Trust being both charitable and religious trust falls within exceptions provided under section 115BBC(2) and hence anonymous donations received is not liable to be taxed under section 115BBC of the Income Tax Act.
ITAT Mumbai held that developer is entitled for deduction under section 80-IA of the Income Tax Act for carrying out development work by entering into a contract with the Government. Accordingly, appeal allowed.
ITAT Raipur held that assessment framed by AO u/s. 143(3) r.w.s. 147 of the Income Tax Act without issuance of notice under section 143(2) of the Income Tax Act is invalid and cannot be sustained in the eyes of law.
ITAT Raipur held that entire addition of transaction in the hands of assessee under section 69 of the Income Tax Act as unexplained investment not tenable since the same needs to be allocated between joint beneficial owners. Thus, matter restore back to file of AO.
ITAT Delhi held that re-assessment proceedings under section 147 of the Income Tax Act initiated due to change of opinion without having any fresh material on record is liable to be quashed. Accordingly, appeal of revenue dismissed.
ITAT Ahmedabad held that penalty u/s.271AA of the Income Tax Act cannot be levied without specifying the required documents failed to be maintained/furnished by the assessee. Thus, appeal of the revenue dismissed.
ITAT Jaipur held that invocation of revisionary proceedings u/s. 263 of the Income Tax Act not sustainable since AO duly verified investment and payment of ESI/PF.
ITAT Chennai restored the matter back to the file of AO since CIT(A) failed to consider the additional evidence which was sought by AO. Accordingly, matter restored back to the files of AO for fresh adjudication.