To start with, we will first focus on why CA students failed in Costing?
1) Ignoring theory
Whether it’s IPCC or Final, most of the students ignore the theory in this subject. Institute mostly asked conceptual theory to verify your understanding of the subject. No need to rarify theory.
2) No written practice
You will not able to understand whether you know this subject or not unless you practice it by writing. Practice by writing will help you to recognize many minor mistakes which may cost you in the exam.
3) Make mistake notebook
You heard it right. I said it ‘Mistake notebook’. In this book, you will right most common mistakes you make again and again. This book you will revise whenever you revise the subject and day before the exam. It will help to avoid 80-85% of your most common mistakes or even more if you follow it sincerely.
4) Formula/conceptual notebook
This book will contain a list of all formulas chapter wise and conceptual understanding of difficult questions written in your own words. This will help to avoid wastage of time when you sit with the same chapter second time and also helps in quick retention of the subject.
CA IPCC ABC ANALYSIS *Costing ABC analysis (old and new both) (CA IPCC)
*A Category*
1) Overheads /(Activity-based Costing For new course only)
2) Process Costing
3) Standard Costing
4) Marginal Costing
*B Category*
1) Budgetary Costing
2) Contract Costing
3) Non-Integrated
4) Material
5) Labour
*C Category*
Remaining chapters
*Don’t ignore theory. It is very scoring. Pick up PM for theory*
CA Final ABC analysis (New course)
A Category
1) Case study
2)Transfer pricing
3) Cost management Technique/Lean system and innovation/Modern business environment
4) Marginal Costing/Pricing decision/ decision-making
B Category
1) Performance measurements and evaluation
2) Strategic analysis of operating income
3)Standard Costing
C Category
Other chapters.
You have to cover all categories A, B, and C. With more emphasis on A and B.
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Dear Sir
A very useful and informative Article.