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Income Tax : Understand advance tax rules, due dates, and penalties for non-compliance. Learn how to avoid interest charges under sections 234B...
Income Tax : Receiving an income tax notice can be disconcerting, particularly for individuals who are not well-versed with tax laws and compli...
Income Tax : Discover key highlights of India's Income Tax Bill 2025, effective April 2026, featuring simplified tax structures, revised slabs,...
Income Tax : Supreme Court clarifies the applicability of TOLA to reassessment notices under the Income Tax Act, addressing the interplay with ...
Income Tax : Penny stocks, often associated with small, illiquid companies, have been a subject of concern due to their susceptibility to price...
Income Tax : Get insights on key amendments in the Income-tax Act, 1961, including changes to Sections 9A, 44BBD, 10(10D), and 158BB under the ...
Income Tax : JAOs face workload imbalances, limited manpower, and systemic issues post-Faceless Assessment Scheme. Suggestions for better resou...
Income Tax : ITGOA urges CBDT to address workload imbalances in JAO charges. Proposes systematic reorganization to ensure equitable distributio...
Income Tax : IT officials can access digital records during searches under IT Act, 1961, but personal emails and social media access is not all...
Income Tax : The updated return facility encourages voluntary tax compliance, allowing taxpayers to correct income omissions. Proposal to exten...
Income Tax : ITAT Pune remands Dnyanagan Education Society's case for fresh consideration after the rejection of its Section 12AB registration ...
Income Tax : ITAT Ahmedabad held that fresh assessment is necessary in case of taxability of interest earned from Fixed Deposit from compensati...
Income Tax : Delhi High Court held that Section 260A of the Income Tax Act refrains from incorporating a specific provision permitting the fili...
Income Tax : In the present case, recovery or repayment of fraudulent income does not qualify as an allowable expense. Allowing deductions for ...
Income Tax : ITAT Ahmedabad held that as per the provisions of Section 167B of the Income Tax Act, Maximum Marginal Rate (MMR) is applicable on...
Income Tax : CBDT notifies the Income-tax (Seventh Amendment) Rules, 2025, updating Forms 26Q and 27Q to include Section 194T on payments to fi...
Income Tax : Income Tax offices across India will remain open on March 29-31, 2025, for pending work, as per CBDT order under Section 119 of th...
Income Tax : CBDT notifies Income Tax (Sixth Amendment) Rules, 2025, introducing safe harbour rules for assessment year 2025-26. Full details o...
Income Tax : Guidelines for Assessing Officers on handling high-risk e-Verification cases under the e-Verification Scheme 2021, including steps...
Income Tax : CBDT allows data sharing with Delhi's IT Dept. for social welfare scheme identification under Income Tax Act Section 138. Read the...
13.5 That in the case of running contracts, no income, profits or gains can in fact be computed unless the contract is completed and if the contract is completed in a period of more than a year, the crucial time for calculating the income, profits and gains arrives only when the entire contract is completed in other words, argument was that the only method by which the gains or profits of the assessee could be determined was to wait until
Where a Malaysian company supplied technical personnel to the assessee (a Dutch company) on terms that the personnel would remain under the control of the assessee and that the Malaysian company would have no role to play in the execution of the Project and the question arose whether the recipient had a “supervisory activities” PE under Article 5 (4) (a) and the sums received was assessable as business profits
Where the ITO conducted a survey u/s 133A of the Act on the premises of the Petitioner, a practicing Chartered Accountant, and impounded books of account /documents belonging to the Petitioner and retained such books of account/documents and the Petitioner filed a Writ Petition to challenge the same, HELD, allowing the Petition:
“50C Special provision for full value of consideration in certain cases – (1) Where the consideration received or accruing as a result of the transfer by an assessee of a capital asset, being land or building or both, is less than the value adopted or assessed by any authority of a State Government (hereinafter in this section referred to as the `Stamp Valuation authority’ for the purpose of payment of stamp duty in respect of such transfer
15. As a general proposition, it can be said that the payment for impairment of income earning apparatus, sterilization of a source of income would generally fall in the category of capital receipts. Compensation received for undertaking restrictive covenants of not competing with the business also generally fall in the category of capital receipts. The exception being a case, where such covenants are normal incident of carrying on business
Does an Indian actor’s endorsement or promotion of a product abroad amount to acting and should it get him or her exemption under the Income Tax (I-T) Act? Though the I-T department says no, actress Aishwarya Rai’s chartered accountants are claiming the opposite. In fact, they secured an adjournment at the tax appellate tribunal recently […]
Uttar Pradesh chief minister Mayawati’s income for the financial year 2001-02 will be reassessed by the income tax department as the Delhi HC has allowed it a relook, while hearing a plea that she had allegedly not declared full details. A bench of Justices Vikramajit Sen and Rajiv Shakdher dismissed the BSP chief ‘s plea […]
8.5 The crucial question to be asked and answered is whether the applicant has paid any fee to HMFICL for the service of deputing its own employee having technical knowledge to work with the applicant for a specified period? Whether the part reimbursement of salary of secondee by the applicant shall be construed as consideration for rendering the service of the kind covered by FTS clause
14. The assessee has also taken a plea that the assessee did not deduct the tax at source on the interest liability credited to L T Ltd. as per the legal advice given by M/s. C.C. Chokshi Co. This explanation of the assessee has been rejected by the C1T(A) by saying that this submission of the assessee that no TDS was deducted by the assessee under a legal advice of M/s. C.C. Chokshi Co., lacks merit because this advice is
16. On the issue of applicability of section 28(iv) of the Act, we are however of the view that the same arises for consideration on the grounds raised in cross objection and accordingly, we proceed to adjudicate the same. We are of the view that provisions of section 28(iv) would not be attracted to a case of increase in capital of partners of a firm pursuant to revaluation of the assets of the firm. Under section 28 of the Act