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Income Tax : Ensure tax compliance before March 31, 2025. Key tasks include filing returns, verifying TDS, updating accounts, and making necess...
Income Tax : Partnership firms must comply with new tax rules from April 1, 2025. Changes include higher partner remuneration limits and mandat...
Income Tax : Learn about TDS on payments to non-residents, including business connection rules, royalty provisions, and significant economic pr...
Income Tax : Discover key changes in the Income Tax Bill 2025, including enhanced rebates, simplified trust provisions, and extended registrati...
Income Tax : Section 194T mandates 10% TDS on partner payments exceeding ₹20,000 annually, effective April 1, 2025. Learn its impact, complia...
Income Tax : India's direct tax collections for FY 2024-25 show a 13.13% net growth, with gross collections up by 16.15% and significant gains ...
Income Tax : CBDT issues clarification on Circular 01/2025, stating it applies only to the Principal Purpose Test in certain DTAAs and does not...
Income Tax : Corporate tax collections increased post-rate cuts. No specific tax incentives for MNCs, but new measures aim to support electroni...
Income Tax : The Income Tax Bill 2025 aims to simplify tax laws with no major policy changes. It enhances clarity, reduces ambiguities, and ali...
Income Tax : The Finance Bill 2025 projects a 12.65% rise in income tax collections despite tax cuts, with estimated receipts of ₹25.20 lakh ...
Income Tax : The Assessee is aggrieved by the information received pursuant to application under Right to Information Act, 2015, whereby the As...
Income Tax : ITAT Mumbai held that exercising revisionary jurisdiction under section 263 of the Income Tax Act by PCIT on the basis of factual ...
Income Tax : ITAT Ahmedabad held that assessment order passed u/s. 143(3) is neither erroneous nor prejudicial to the interest of revenue. Henc...
Income Tax : During pendency of the assessment proceedings, respondent No.1 filed application u/s. 245C(1) before the Income Tax Settlement Com...
Income Tax : Finance Ministry specifies Power Finance Corporation Ltd.'s ten-year zero coupon bond with Rs. 49,546 discount, for Income-tax Act...
Income Tax : Learn about high-risk transaction case verification, assessment, and proceedings under Sections 148/148A on the Insight and ITBA p...
Income Tax : Learn about high-risk CRIU/VRU case verification, assessment, and proceedings under Sections 148/148A on the Insight and ITBA port...
Income Tax : Learn about suspected benami, undisclosed foreign assets, and TDS compliance cases assigned under Risk Management Strategy via the...
Income Tax : The IT Dept. has flagged high-risk non-filers for AY 2019-22 on the Insight Portal under RMS Cycle 5. Assessing Officers can revie...
Rates for deduction of income-tax at source from certain incomes during the financial year 2011-12. Rates for computation of advance tax, deduction of income-tax at source from Salaries and charging of income-tax in certain cases during the financial year 2011-12.Tax benefits for New Pension System (NPS) . Deduction for investment in long-term infrastructure bonds
Registration granted under section 12A, on 12th February 1996, and the benefits flowing therefrom, cannot be extended to the amended objects of the society unless the DIT examines the same and comes to a conclusion that the registration under section 12A, can be extended to the revised objects, memorandum and by-laws. It would be illogical to hold that once an institution is registered under section 12A, no matter whatever may be the changes in the objects, rules and regulations, for any number of times, the institution should be given the benefit of section 11 to 13 of the Act, in view of the original registration granted under section 12A.
The provisions of section 163 of the Act do not require that, the liability of the non-resident to pay tax should be established before initiating proceedings under section 163 of the Act on a person to treat it as the agent or representative assessee of the non-resident. The purpose of section 163 of the Act was to enable revenue authorities to proceed and impose a vicarious liability on a person regarded as agent, in an event when income was found to be taxable in the hands of the non-resident.
In this case has not rejected the books results of the assessee, nor has given any specific reasoning why the GP rate adopted by the assessee should be disturbed. Assessee has shown GP rate 24.54%. 20.53% GP was accepted by the Tribunal in the assessee’s own case in earlier years. Thus, nothing has been brought on record to prove lacunae in the assessee’s books of accounts, neither any reason has been stated why the GP rate should be disturbed and GP should be estimated at 30%. We find that there is no cogent basis in the Assessing Officer’s decision in making the addition in this case. In our considered opinion, Ld. Commissioner of Income Tax (Appeals) has taken a right view in the matter which does not need any interference on our part. Accordingly, we uphold the same.
In the Finance Bill 2012 section 44AD has been amended retrospectively w.e.f A.Y. 2011-12 to the effect that presumptive scheme under the said section is not applicable to persons carrying on profession as referred to in section 44AA(1) or persons earning income in the nature of commission or brokerage income or persons carrying on any agency business.
It is found that surrender was made subject to no penalty vide letter of the assessee filed before the Assessing Officer during assessment proceedings, which clearly indicate that surrender was being made with a condition that no penal action will be made and to avoid further litigation and to buy peace and jurisdictional High Court decisions in the case of CIT v. Saran Khandsari Sugar Works [2000] 246 ITR 216/[2002] 120 Taxman 319 (All.) and CIT v. Mansa Ram & Sons [1977] 106 ITR 307 (All.) were in favour of the assessee and Commissioner (Appeals) has followed these decisions while deleting the impugned penalty. Moreover, department has not been able to bring on record any contrary superior Courts decisions in this regard. Therefore, there is no valid ground to interfere in the order passed by the Commissioner (Appeals) which is upheld and appeal of the department is dismissed being devoid of any merit. As a result, the appeal of the department is dismissed.
Pine Packaging Private Ltd V/s. CIT (Delhi HC) Compensation received from customer for under utilisation of taxpayer’s capacity was not profit derived from manufacture/production and was therefore not eligible for deduction under Section 80IC of the Income-tax Act,1961
In this case, M/s Prudential Assurance Co. Ltd , a tax resident of UK, was denied the benefit of setting off of the business loss from sale of shares against the income from other sources by the Assessing Officer (‘AO’) on the ground that the assessee had no Permanent Establishment in India as per Article 5 of the India-UK Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement . The Honourable Mumbai Tribunal observed that the assessee chose to be ruled by the provisions of the Income Tax Act, 1961 and not DTAA. Thus, the AO was not justified in directing that the business loss should be considered as per provisions of DTAA and therefore taxing the income from other sources without allowing its set off against the business loss.
word ‘transfer’ does not include partition or family settlement. HC observed that it is well settled that a partition is not a transfer. What is recorded in a family settlement is nothing but a partition. Every member has an anterior title to the property which is the subject matter of a transaction, that is, partition or a family arrangement. So there is adjustment of shares, crystallization of the respective rights in family properties and therefore it cannot be construed as a transfer in the eyes of law.
Living allowance paid in addition to the regular salaries and benefits in India to the employees of Indian Company who are temporarily deployed in US will be exempt from tax. The deputation agreement between the taxpayers and the Indian Company clearly states that the additional compensation in the US has been paid in lump sum without any reference to meet personal expenses at the place where the duties of office or employment were to be performed. The additional compensation received by the taxpayers was in the form of a special allowance or benefit.