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Income Tax : Understand advance tax rules, due dates, and penalties for non-compliance. Learn how to avoid interest charges under sections 234B...
Income Tax : Receiving an income tax notice can be disconcerting, particularly for individuals who are not well-versed with tax laws and compli...
Income Tax : Discover key highlights of India's Income Tax Bill 2025, effective April 2026, featuring simplified tax structures, revised slabs,...
Income Tax : Supreme Court clarifies the applicability of TOLA to reassessment notices under the Income Tax Act, addressing the interplay with ...
Income Tax : Penny stocks, often associated with small, illiquid companies, have been a subject of concern due to their susceptibility to price...
Income Tax : Get insights on key amendments in the Income-tax Act, 1961, including changes to Sections 9A, 44BBD, 10(10D), and 158BB under the ...
Income Tax : JAOs face workload imbalances, limited manpower, and systemic issues post-Faceless Assessment Scheme. Suggestions for better resou...
Income Tax : ITGOA urges CBDT to address workload imbalances in JAO charges. Proposes systematic reorganization to ensure equitable distributio...
Income Tax : IT officials can access digital records during searches under IT Act, 1961, but personal emails and social media access is not all...
Income Tax : The updated return facility encourages voluntary tax compliance, allowing taxpayers to correct income omissions. Proposal to exten...
Income Tax : ITAT Pune remands Dnyanagan Education Society's case for fresh consideration after the rejection of its Section 12AB registration ...
Income Tax : ITAT Ahmedabad held that fresh assessment is necessary in case of taxability of interest earned from Fixed Deposit from compensati...
Income Tax : Delhi High Court held that Section 260A of the Income Tax Act refrains from incorporating a specific provision permitting the fili...
Income Tax : In the present case, recovery or repayment of fraudulent income does not qualify as an allowable expense. Allowing deductions for ...
Income Tax : ITAT Ahmedabad held that as per the provisions of Section 167B of the Income Tax Act, Maximum Marginal Rate (MMR) is applicable on...
Income Tax : CBDT notifies the Income-tax (Seventh Amendment) Rules, 2025, updating Forms 26Q and 27Q to include Section 194T on payments to fi...
Income Tax : Income Tax offices across India will remain open on March 29-31, 2025, for pending work, as per CBDT order under Section 119 of th...
Income Tax : CBDT notifies Income Tax (Sixth Amendment) Rules, 2025, introducing safe harbour rules for assessment year 2025-26. Full details o...
Income Tax : Guidelines for Assessing Officers on handling high-risk e-Verification cases under the e-Verification Scheme 2021, including steps...
Income Tax : CBDT allows data sharing with Delhi's IT Dept. for social welfare scheme identification under Income Tax Act Section 138. Read the...
The learned counsel for the respondent had sought to argue that the present writ petitions were different and distinct from the earlier writ petition which resulted in the judgment dated 10.01.2013 inasmuch as in respect of three of the years in question i.e., assessment years 2001-02 to 2003-04, the issue of the proviso to Section 147 pertaining to full and true disclosure was not attracted. It is only in respect of the assessment year 1999-2000 where the proviso would come into play.
Notification No. 34/2013 – Income Tax In exercise of the powers conferred by section 295 of the Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961), the Central Board of Direct Taxes hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Income-tax Rules, 1962, namely:— 1. (1) These rules may be called the Income-tax (3rd Amendment) Rules, 2013.
The learned CIT(A) on proper examination of evidences and material rightly came to the conclusion that software is intangible asset and was loaded in the system of machine. The learned CIT(A) also rightly held that installation of software could be checked by the technical person whether it was loaded in the system or not. Therefore, the finding in the survey cannot be relied upon. Even the AO has accepted the fact that some of the software were developed locally and installed in the system.
Assessee was statutorily required to keep share application money in the separate account till the allotment of shares was completed. Interest earned on such separately kept amount was adjusted towards expenditure for raising share capital. We are therefore, of the opinion that interest earned was inextricably linked with requirement of company to raise share capital and was thus adjustable towards the expenditures involved for the share issue. Line of decisions of Apex Court in case of Bokaro Steel Ltd. (supra), Karnal Co-operative Sugar Mills Ltd. (supra) and Bongaigaon Refinary and Petrochemicals Ltd. (supra), would closely match with the facts of the present case.
Time frame under sub-section (2) of Section 12AA of Income Tax Act is only directory. Tribunal was not right in holding that since the application for registration has not been disposed off within the limitation of six months, the Assessee Company was deemed to have been granted registration under Section 12AA of the Act.
In a bid to counter tax evasion, the Finance Ministry is contemplating making it mandatory for individuals and Hindu Undivided Families (HUFs) to report Indian assets and liabilities in income-tax (I-T) return forms. “The government is considering to introduce a new income tax return form that will require individuals to disclose all their assets and […]
The Finance Bill 2013 has been passed by the Lok Sabha today (30.04.2013) after incorporating 12 minor amendments. THE MINISTER OF FINANCE (SHRI P. CHIDAMBARAM) Moving the motion for consideration of the Bill said: Post the Budget presentation and post the Finance Bill introduction, we had discussions with stakeholders, Members of Parliaments, State Governments, industry, […]
CA Kamal Garg TRANSFER PRICING: CBDT Clarifications on Functional Profile of Development Centres engaged in Contract R&D Services with insignificant risk – conditions relevant to identify such Development Centres
Import of challan file (.csi file): Import of challan file downloaded from the TIN website (Challan Status Inquiry) has been made mandatory at the time of validating the quarterly TDS/TCS statement, if the TDS/TCS is deposited through challan. This will be applicable in case of regular statement and for correction statement in the scenarios as below:
Section 80CCG: Section 80CCG has been incorporated for Form no. 24Q Q4. Section code 80CCG is applicable for FY 2012-13 onwards. Section 80CCF: Quoting deduction under section 80CCF has been restricted to FY 2010-11 and 2011-12.