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Clause wise Comparison of CARO 2020 vis a vis Previous CAROs

February 26, 2020 6849 Views 0 comment Print

Clause by Clause Comparison of Reporting Companies (Auditor’s Report) Order 2020 vis a vis Previous CAROs CARO 2003 2015 2016 2020 ISSUE DATE June 2003 10 April,2015 29 March, 2016 25th February,2020 EFFECT-IVE DATE July 2003 Audits of FY 2014-15 and onwards Audits of FY 2015-16 and onwards Audits of FY 2019-20 and onwards Para […]

Income Tax rate chart for AY 2019-20 and AY 2020-21

February 8, 2020 27000 Views 0 comment Print

Find out the income tax rates for assessment years 2019-20 and 2020-21. Learn about the different tax brackets and rebates under Section 87A.

TDS Rate Chart for FY 2019-20 and FY 2020-21

February 8, 2020 115656 Views 9 comments Print

TDS Rate Chart for Financial Year 2019-20 / Financial Year 2020-21 or Say TDS Rate Chart for Assessment Year 2020-21 / Assessment Year 2021-22. Article explains Nature of Payment on which TDS is dedutible, Rate of TDS Deductible, Threshold limit for TDS Deduction, TDS Rate if deductee is Individual, TDS Rate if deductee is Other […]

Tax dispute settlement scheme, Vivad se Vishwas Bill, 2020

February 6, 2020 4794 Views 0 comment Print

The government has introduced a bill in Parliament detailing the Direct tax dispute settlement scheme. The Direct Tax Vivad se Vishwas Bill, 2020 for dispute resolution related to direct taxes, proposes less payment or discounted payment for dispute settlement if the tax payer settles before the end of this financial year as compared to if he/she decides […]

Complete work & hearing in office hours except in occasionally Circumstances: ITAT

January 16, 2020 1713 Views 0 comment Print

Shri Shanmugam Senthilkumar Vs ITO (ITAT Chennai) ITAT, Chennai advice to CIT ( Appeals) to Complete the work and hearing in office hours except in occasionally Circumstances hearing the appeals and making the tax practitioners, advocates and Chartered Accountants to wait till 9 PM to 10 PM on daily basis has to be avoid. Late […]

Various Assessments Under The Income Tax Law

January 2, 2020 80028 Views 3 comments Print

Every taxpayer has to furnish the details of his income to the Income-tax Department. These details are to be furnished by filing up his return of income. Once the return of income is filed up by the taxpayer, the next step is the processing of the return of income by the Income Tax Department. The […]

BSE delists shares of 222 companies from 4th July 2018 (Check List)

July 7, 2018 6426 Views 1 comment Print

BSE 222 companies delisting: India’s biggest stock exchange in terms of total listed companies BSE (Bombay Stock Exchange) has delisted as many as 222 companies from its platform with effect from today, 4 July 2018. Earlier on 2 July 2018, the leading stock exchange BSE informed about the delisting of 222 companies in 2 separate notices.

Search and Seizure & Survey under Income Tax Act 1961

May 3, 2018 150396 Views 1 comment Print

Search, according to normal dictionary meaning, means to look out, to seek or to find something the presence of which is suspected etc. Seize means to take possession of goods, contrary to the wishes of the owner or to take forcible possession. From income tax point of view, in common parlance search is referred to as RAID. However, there is no such term as raid anywhere in income tax law.

Tax Treatment of Cash Credits U/s. 68 of Income Tax Act, 1961

May 2, 2018 14877 Views 1 comment Print

Any sum found credited in the books of the taxpayer, for which he offers no explanation about the nature and source thereof or the tax authorities are not satisfied by the explanation offered by the taxpayer, is termed as cash credit. In this part you can gain knowledge about various provisions relating to tax treatment […]

Appeals Under Income Tax Act, 1961

May 1, 2018 299595 Views 7 comments Print

APPEAL BEFORE COMMISSIONER (APPEALS) If any demand is raised by the Assessing Officer in the assessment, what’s the next step for Assessee. Aggrieved tax payer can file appeal before the Commissioner (Appeals) having, jurisdiction over the tax payer. Designation of the Commissioner (Appeals), with whom appeal is to be filed is also mentioned in the […]

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