Conditions For The Setting Up And For Conduct of Direct Selling Business In State of Karnataka CONDITIONS FOR THE SETTING UP OF DIRECT SELLING BUSINESS: -Every Direct selling entity carrying out or intending to carry out direct selling business in India shall submit an application to the Department of Consumer Affairs. -Direct selling entity shall […]
Direct Selling / Multi Level Marketing (MLM) / Network Marketing Guidelines For The State of Tamilnadu Every Direct selling entity intending to carry out direct selling business shall within ninety days after publication of the notification in the Gazette of Tamil Nadu comply the conditions for the conduct of direct selling business. Every Direct selling […]
Direct Selling/ Multi Level Marketing (MLM)/ Network Marketing Business Enrollment and Compliance Formalities in Kerala Direct selling is the most gravitating business nowadays in India but most of the Direct Seller Company/ Entities do not have knowledge regarding how to file an application with central government and Kerala state government. State of Kerala has issued […]
In today’s Scenario, Direct Selling is most trending business in India. In common parlance it is also termed as Network Marketing or Multi- level Marketing (MLM) or Direct Selling. Central and some state government have issued guidelines regarding the Direct Selling Business. Government of Kerala has also issued guideline for the same. Guideline is issued […]
1. Every e-commerce entity shall provide the following information in a clear and accessible manner on its platform displayed prominently to its users: (i) legal name of the e-commerce entity; (ii) name and details of its website; (iii) principal geographic address of its headquarters and all branches; (iv) contact details like e-mail address, fax, landline […]
Before understanding the obligations of Inventory E-commerce Entities under New e-commerce Policy , we need to know the definition of ‘Inventory e-commerce entity’. As per the Consumer Protection (E-Commerce) Rules, 2020 ‘inventory e-commerce entity’ means an e-commerce entity which owns the inventory of goods or services and sells such goods or services directly to the […]
The Direct Selling Contract is written contract between direct sellers and direct selling entity. All Direct Selling Entities shall execute a contract agreement in a manner consistent with Section 10 of Indian Contract Act, 1872, whether directly or indirectly with direct sellers before enrollment. Additionally, the rights and obligations of parties to this agreement under […]
MSME cum GeM Registered Business in India play an important role in building Self Reliant India. Based on recommendation of the Group of Secretaries, the Hon’ble Prime Minister of India decided to set up dedicated e-marketplace for different goods and services businesses in India. The platform provide the opportunity to sellers to set competitive market […]
Keeping in view of Indian Prime Minister’s Vision of Self Reliant India Movement a special package to cater MSMEs, labourers, middle class and for some industries. Following steps are taken for MSMEs Businesses In India: 1. INR 3, 00,000 Crore Collateral Free Automatic Loans for Businesses including MSMEs: Businesses/MSMEs have been badly hit due to […]
Government e Marketplace (GeM) facilitates online procurement of common use Goods & Services required by various Government Departments / Organisations / PSUs. GeM aims to enhance transparency, efficiency and speed in public procurement. It provides the tools of e-bidding, reverse e-auction and demand aggregation to facilitate the government users, achieve the best value for their money.