Assessee-company being a ‘willful defaulter’ could not be represented through the lawyers or Chartered Accountants as the personal hearing was available only to borrower Director and Promoter of the alleged default unit.
As you are aware, the Ministry of Corporate Affairs, in its pursuit to improve Corporate Governance and Compliances on the part of the Company after the successful roll out of DIR-3 KYC for Directors/DIN holders, has introduced eform (INC-22A) christened ‘ACTIVE (Active Company lagging Identities and Verification) vide rule 25 A of the Companies (Incorporation) […]
POSTPONEMENT OF CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT EXAMINATIONS, MAY 2019 It is hereby notified for general information that in view of Elections to the 17th Lok Sabha Parliamentary Constituencies across the country, the Chartered Accountant Examinations initially scheduled from 2nd May 2019 to 17th May 2019 stand rescheduled and the said examinations shall now be held from 27th May 2019 to 12th June, 2019 as per details given below.
♦ What is Succession Certificate It is a document/ certificate granted to the legal heirs of a deceased person who does not leave a will. It helps you to establish as a legitimate heir to the deceased and give them the power to inherit shares, securities, debts and other assets of the deceased. ♦ Governing […]
Now an Online module has been created to facilitate filing and tracking of these Quality Complaints/Trade Disputes. It has been decided that with effect from 11/02/2019, all such complaints should be filed online as per the following protocol:
Onetime condonation of time period in respect of obtaining block-wise extension in Export Obligation period under EPCG Scheme. Director General of Foreign Trade in public interest hereby further extends the time of receipt of requests till 30.09.2019 in respect of the above mentioned Public Notices.
Most investors in India want to invest into options that can get them sky-high returns in the shortest possible tenure and without risking the principal money invested. As a result, these investors are always on the lookout for risk-free investment plans that can multiply their money many-folds within a few months or years only. However, […]
Recently, India has been growing at an unprecedented pace which has aroused a keen interest among foreign entities to establish their operations in India and tap into one of the largest and fastest growing market, and have access to some of the best human resources in the world.
‘Project Office’ means a place of business to represent the interests of the foreign company executing a project in India but excludes a Liaison Office.The project office is the ideal method for companies to establish a business presence in India, if the object is to have a presence for a limited period of time.
The stars don’t have to align perfectly for you to find a good, low-interest personal loan; all you need is judicious financial planning. A kind of an unsecured loan, a personal loan is a handy financial tool that is easy to apply and in most cases, hassle-free to repay. However, since you don’t secure the […]