It is clarified that the fertilizers supplied for direct use as fertilizers, or supplied for use in the manufacturing of other complex fertilizers for agricultural use (soil or crop fertilizers), will attract 5% GST.
References have been received regarding the applicability of GST on the petroleum gases retained for the manufacture of petrochemical and chemical products during the course of continuous supply, such as Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK) feedstock, petroleum gases etc.
Circular No. 52/26/2018-GST dated 09.08.2018 i.r.o. clarification regarding applicability of GST rates on various goods and services Circular No. 52/26/2018-GST F.No.354/255/2018-TRU (Part-2) Government of India Ministry of Finance Department of Revenue (Tax Research Unit) ***** North Block, New Delhi Dated, 9th August, 2018 To Principal Chief Commissioners/ Principal Directors General, Chief Commissioners/ Directors General, Principal […]
Rainfall deficiency has increased: August started on a weak note with rainfall deviation rising to -10% of normal as of 8 August from -6% of normal at the end of July. A major part of this increase in deficiency is led by lower rainfall in parts of North West and Central India in recent days (rainfall deficiency has increased to – 4% in NW and -5% in Central India).
K. Karunakaran Vs Asst. State Tax Officer (Kerala High Court) The petitioner, engaged in works contract, purchased material from Ghaziabad, as seen from Ext.P1 invoice. Ext.P2 e-way bill, however, did not contain the details of the vehicle used for the transport. The vehicle and the goods detained, the petitioner filed this writ petition. 2. In […]
Income Tax Department has accepted 99.65 per cent of tax returns as it is and has picked only 0.35 per cent cases for detailed scrutiny thereby showcasing full faith in the taxpayers, chairman of the Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT), Mr Sushil Chandra said at an ASSOCHAM event held in New Delhi today.
Garuda Timber Traders Vs The Assistant State Tax Officer (Kerala High Court) Once the petitioner provides the bank guarantee for the tax and penalty and bond for the value of goods, under Rule 140 of the Rules, it will have the goods provisionally released. Besides, the petitioner can challenge the Ext.P9 before the appellate authority […]
Tax planning is an integral part of everyone’s financial plan. Section 80C of Income Tax Act, 1961 allows you as an assessee to claim income tax deductions by investing in specific investments. Among the other tax saving options, tax saving mutual funds or ELSS (Equity Linked Savings Scheme) is the most popular tax saving investment […]
Value of perquisite provided by the assessee company to its employees in the form of reimbursement of car running and maintenance charges was chargeable to tax in their hands and the assessee was liable to deduct tax at source from the said value.
B.S.A. College Vs CIT (ITAT Agra) Under section 12AA, CIT (E) was entitled to see as to whether objects of assessee were charitable in nature, and also whether activities were genuine or not. Examination of genuineness of activities would mean to see that activities were not by way of camouflage or bogus or artificial and […]