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Archive: 15 March 2017

Posts in 15 March 2017

NPAs slowed down in Q4 of Current Financial Year: FM

March 15, 2017 822 Views 0 comment Print

FM: Rate of increase of Non Performing Assets (NPAs) has slowed down in the last Quarter of the Current Financial Year; Government is taking sector specific measures to deal with the problem of NPAs;

Average cost method of valuing inventories is an accepted method

March 15, 2017 2247 Views 1 comment Print

Having heard Mr. Pinto at some length and perusing with his assistance the order, dated 19­7­2013, passed by the Income Tax Appellate Tribunal, “F” Bench, Mumbai in Income Tax Appeal No.4125/Mum/2012 for the Assessment Year 2009-­10, we are of the view that the same does not raise any substantial question of law.

Penalty cannot be levied for bonafide mistakes in making wrong claim

March 15, 2017 4458 Views 0 comment Print

Aforesaid appeal by the assessee is directed against order dated 30th December 2015, passed by the learned Commissioner (Appeals)– 53, Mumbai, confirming penalty imposed of Rs. 2,57,246, under section 271(1)(c) of the Income Tax Act, 1961 (for short the Act) for the assessment year 2011-12.

Constitution not allow a MP to make defamatory statement outside Parliament

March 15, 2017 2118 Views 0 comment Print

It was held that Article 105(2) though gives immunity in respect of everything said in Parliament but subject to the limitation that it should have been said during the sitting of Parliament and in the course of business of Parliament.

No levy of administration expenses on EDLI Scheme wef 01.04.2017

March 15, 2017 8643 Views 2 comments Print

Central Government hereby determines that no sum shall be payable for the time being by the employer in relation to his employees as the further sum payable by the employer every month to the Deposit-Linked Insurance Fund for the meeting the expenses in connection with the administration of the Employees Deposit-Linked Insurance Scheme, 1976 other than the expenses towards the cost of any benefits provided by or under that scheme.

NCALT penalises for non-appointment of whole time secretary

March 15, 2017 4431 Views 0 comment Print

The Appellant being not satisfied with the compounding of fine has challenged the order dated 30th September, 2016 passed by National Company Law Tribunal, (hereinafter referred to as the Tribunal), Ahmedabad Bench, in TP No.154/621A/NCLT/AHM/2016 (New), CA No.90/621A/CLB/MB/2013 (Old).

CBDT Office Memorandum regarding posting in CPC TDS

March 15, 2017 1536 Views 0 comment Print

Approval of the competent authority is hereby conveyed for posting of the following Tax Assistants in the Directorate of Systems for posting in the CPC-TDS under the provisions of the CPC-Staffing Scheme by diversion of post with immediate effect and until further orders

Implementation of DSC under ITBA/HRMS application

March 15, 2017 9567 Views 0 comment Print

As a part of the day to day functioning of the Department, Officers and other employees are/will be required to issue letters, notices, orders to Income Tax assessees or other addressees within the Department or outside or upload documents, reports, forms or to perform several ITBA / Human Resource Management System related activities on the ITBA system.

Govt establishes Debts Recovery Tribunal at Siliguri WEF 16.03.2017

March 15, 2017 4602 Views 0 comment Print

Central Government hereby notifies the establishment of the Debts Recovery Tribunal at Siliguri with effect from the 16th day of March, 2017

Advance intimation by importer availing DPD Facility to shipping lines

March 15, 2017 1218 Views 0 comment Print

Advance intimation is required to be submitted by importer through their official email id to shipping line at least 72 hours in advance informing the details such as Bill of Lading Number, Details of consignment, DPD Client Code” allotted by Terminal Operator & Preferred CFS and its Code

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