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Archive: 20 October 2015

Posts in 20 October 2015

RBI seeks Comments/Feedback on Report of Working Group on Implementation of Ind AS by Banks in India

October 20, 2015 415 Views 0 comment Print

The Reserve Bank of India has today placed on its website the Report of the Working Group on the Implementation of Indian accounting standards (Ind AS) by Banks in India (Chair: Shri Sudarshan Sen, Principal Chief General Manager, Department of Banking Regulation). Suggestions/comments, if any, on the Report may be sent by post to the Principal Chief General Manager, Department of Banking Regulation, Reserve Bank of India, Central Office, 12th Floor, Shahid Bhagat Singh Marg, Mumbai-400 001, or by email on or before November 30, 2015.

Some procedural omission/ mistake will not make the whole proceedings invalid

October 20, 2015 697 Views 0 comment Print

Calcutta High Court held In the case of CIT vs. Shri Shyamal Sarkar that there is a presumption in law that all official and judicial acts were regularly performed. In this case, this presumption is supported by the fact that the assessee had paid the fees of the auditor.

In absence of intention to deal in land on regular basis, income earned from sale of land is taxable as capital gain

October 20, 2015 477 Views 0 comment Print

Delhi High Court in case of CIT Vs. Edward Keventer (Successors) Private Limited held that factors like intention of the assessee in purchasing the property, duration of time property was kept by assessee, lack of any transactions of sale or purchase of property throughout relevant period of time

Notification No. 84/2015 – Income Tax Dated 20/10/2015

October 20, 2015 2262 Views 0 comment Print

Notification No. 84/2015 – Income Tax The Infrastructure Debt Fund shall be set up as Non-Banking Financial Company conforming to and satisfying the conditions provided by the Reserve Bank of India in the Infrastructure-Debt Fund – Non-Banking Financial Companies (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2011, vide notification No. DNBS.233/CGM (US)-2011, dated the 21st November, 2011 as amended vide notification No. DNBR.020/CGM (CDS) – 2015, dated the 14th May, 2015.

Access to Service Tax Assessee’s Premises

October 20, 2015 3945 Views 0 comment Print

Central excise officers are empowered to pay visits to the premises of the assessees. Such visits shall be subject to the following rules: (i) All visit to the premises of service tax assessees will be made by central excise officers only after giving a notice in writing explaining therein the purpose of such visit. (ii) The officers will clearly indicate the documents which may be required by them during their visits.

CA Slapped by service Tax Official- Online Petition- CAs Soft target?

October 20, 2015 10852 Views 0 comment Print

In a series of attacks on Chartered Accountants latest is been alleged by A CA from Pune that he has been slapped by a Service Tax Official when he visited his office with his Assistant and client in respect of reset of password of his clients Service Tax Account on online portal of Service Tax Registration.

Notional interest not eligible for deduction u/s 10A: HC

October 20, 2015 603 Views 0 comment Print

Thomson Press (India) Ltd vs. CIT (Delhi High Court), ITA 83/2003, Dated-09.10.2015 Claim that notional interest on funds placed by the s. 10A eligible unit with the H.O. is allowable as a deduction to the H.O. and is exempt in the hands of the s. 10A unit is an unsustainable view.

Cenvat Credit Disclosure In Service Tax Return- Practical Aspects: Part 2

October 20, 2015 16639 Views 4 comments Print

Once eligible credit has been availed, it becomes part of a pool out of which credit can be utilised to pay output liability. There is no correlation required between availment and utilisation of credit. The disclosure requirement of utilisation/reversal of credit is as below:

Cenvat Credit Disclosure In Service Tax Return- Practical Aspects: Part 1

October 20, 2015 13773 Views 1 comment Print

Tax credit in any value added taxation is the second most important aspect after the levy as it goes to reduce the basic cost. If credits are not available fully, it adds to the cost of the product or service resulting in cascading effect of taxes. It becomes imperative for assessee to ascertain the credit availability and to ensure that it is disclosed properly in the return.

Tower & blades used in Wind Operated Electricity Generators eligible for excise duty exemption

October 20, 2015 2713 Views 0 comment Print

Circular No. 1008/15/2015-CX A large number of references have been received from the trade as well as the field formations to clarify whether exemption Notification No. 12/2012-Central Excise, dated 17.03.2012 covers part/components of Wind Operated Electricity Generators (WOEG).

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