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Archive: 12 October 2015

Posts in 12 October 2015

Notification No. 98/2015-Customs (N.T.) Dated: October 12, 2015

October 12, 2015 283 Views 0 comment Print

NOTIFICATION NO. 98/2015-CUSTOMS (N.T.) In exercise of the powers conferred under section 4 and section 5 of the Customs Act, 1962 (52 of 1962), the Central Board of Excise and Customs hereby appoints the officers mentioned in column (2) of the Table below as Principal Commissioner or Commissioner of Customs for the purpose of adjudicating the cases assigned to them by the Central Board of Excise and Customs by an Order in respect of officers mentioned in column (3) of the said Table, namely:-

Admissibility of HRA on non-acceptance or surrender of railway residential accommodation

October 12, 2015 1437 Views 0 comment Print

During a meeting held on 15.07.2015 with the Board and the NFIR on the subject mentioned above. the Federation pointed out that railway quarters which are unfit for occupation or in a dilapidated condition are being allotted by the railway administration in the Zonal Railways/Units and thereby the affected railway employees are being denied HRA. The Federation further requested that necessary instructions may be issued in this regard.

Delhi VAT-Appointment of Assistant Commissioner cum VATO

October 12, 2015 1387 Views 0 comment Print

alue Added Tax Act, 2004 (Delhi Act 3 of 2005), read with rule 47 of the Delhi Value Added Tax Rules, 2005, the Lt. Governor of the National Capital Territory of Delhi is pleased to appoint the following DANICS (probationers 54th batch) officers as Assistant Commissioners cum VATO for the training programme form 21/12/2015 to 08/01/2016. During this period they will work as independent Assistant Commissioner cum VATO in Wards/ Branches to assist the Commissioner of Value Added Tax, Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi, in the administration of the said Act, namely: –

Delhi VAT- Extension of Due date for filing online returns for 1st & 2nd quarters of 2015-16

October 12, 2015 4678 Views 0 comment Print

In partial modification of Notification No.F.3(515)/Policy/VAT/2015/805-816 dated 29/09/2015, I, Vijay Kumar, Commissioner, Value Added Tax in exercise of the powers conferred under section 27 of the Delhi Value Added Tax Act,2004, do hereby extend the last date for filing of online returns for the 1st and 2nd quarters of the year 2015-16, in Forms EC-II and EC-III to 16/11/2015.

Proof of demand of illegal gratification must for conviction, mere recovery of notes not sufficient- SC

October 12, 2015 3524 Views 0 comment Print

Supreme Court held In the case of P. Satyanarayana Murthy V. The Dist. Inspector of Police and ANR that the proof of demand of illegal gratification is the gravamen of the offence under Sections 7 and 13(1) (d)(i)&(ii) of the Act and in absence thereof, unmistakably the charge there for, would fail.

No TDS liability arise on mere passing of book entry which gets reversed subsequently

October 12, 2015 7273 Views 0 comment Print

Delhi High Court held In the case of DIT Vs. M/s Ericsson Communications Ltd. that mere passing of the book entries, which are reversed, would not give rise to an obligation to deduct TDS by the Assessee, as clearly, there is no debt that can be said to be acknowledged by the Assessee.

Reassement based on point considered during original assessment not permissible

October 12, 2015 931 Views 0 comment Print

High Court held In the case of M/s Swarovski India Pvt. Ltd. V. DCIT that in this case, queries and issues have been specifically raised and answered by the assessee in the original assessment proceedings. Thus, even though AO did not make any addition in the assessment order

Valuation of property covered under Ceiling Act for Wealth Tax cannot be higher than maximum compensation

October 12, 2015 1369 Views 0 comment Print

Supreme Court held In the case of SRI S.N. Wadiyar (Dead) through LR V. Commissioner of Wealth Tax that a property which is going to be taken over by the Government at a compensation of Rs. 2 Lakhs and is awaiting notification under Section 10 of the Act for this purpose

Foreign Tax credit – making easy of doing Business ? Yes

October 12, 2015 1105 Views 0 comment Print

Background-: 1. Karnataka High Court has vide its order dated 25 March 2015 has pronounced a significant ruling on the issue of claiming foreign tax credit. 2. The assessee has paid tax in USA by way of source rule on an income which is exempt u/s 10A in India. 3. After referring to the Judgment […]

Web-based Residential Property Marketplace Model–Interaction with A Start-Up

October 12, 2015 551 Views 0 comment Print

It’s unbelievable to see the excitement that runs in today’s Indian youth and professionals on the way they see matters relating to start-ups. With new unicons like SnapDeal there is a hope in almost everyone’s eyes that one should at least give it a shot and try something worthwhile. Ideas are in abundance and people […]

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