Income Tax : Learn about the proposed tax changes for ULIPs under Finance Bill 2025, including capital gains taxation, exemption limits, and ap...
Income Tax : Finance Bill 2025 clarifies tax implications on ULIP redemption, ensuring consistent tax treatment for both ULIP and other life in...
Fema / RBI : Discover top investment options and tax-saving schemes for NRIs returning to India, including FDs, NPS, equity, real estate, mutua...
Income Tax : Explore the taxation of ULIP and LIC maturities under the Income Tax Act in India. Learn about capital gains, computation, and tax...
Income Tax : Through a comprehensive exploration of ULIP & LIC taxation under the Income Tax Act, readers will gain valuable insights into opti...
Corporate Law : IRDA has twin objectives of development of the industry as well as protection of the policyholder. Both the objectives are interli...
Finance : Life Insurance Corporation of India today launched 'Samridhi Plus' under its unit linked portfolio offering insurance protection, ...
Income Tax : The Life Insurance Corporation of India has made a strong case for continuing tax breaks on life insurance policies bought with an...
Finance : Union Finance Minister, Shri Pranab Mukherjee has asked the insurance companies to create awareness among the poor and vulnerable ...
Income Tax : Under the DTC Bill, the annual deduction has been raised to Rs. 1.5 lakh. From the bill It appears that investments in PPF, PF, N...
Income Tax : Explore a detailed analysis of ITAT Delhi ruling on Subhash Tandon Vs ITO, which sheds light on taxability of ULIP redemption as c...
Corporate Law : IRDA has twin objectives of development of the industry as well as protection of the policyholder. Both the objectives are interli...
Corporate Law : CIRCULAR NO. IRDA/ACTL/ULIP/124(2)/10/2010, DATED 27-10-2010 This has reference to the following circulars & regulation issued...
Corporate Law : The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (Irda) has suspended sale of universal life policies, which were being promoted...
Corporate Law : Life Insurance Corporation of India has introduced its ULIP plan under the new IRDA regime, following the launch of its Pension Pl...
Corporate Law : The new rules of the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (Irda) take effect from September 1. Ulips, which contributed ...
The recent changes made to unit-linked insurance plans are going to pinch the agents that sell these insurance products the most.With the new cap on the charge during the term of the policy, agents are set to see a significant 500-600 basis points fall in commissions.
Introduction:IRDA has, from time to time, taken various initiatives for protecting the interests of policyholders by bringing out Regulations, Guidelines, Circulars etc applicable to insurers and intermediaries covering the various stages in the lifecycle of an insurance product, commencing from solicitation, sale, policy servicing, to claims servicing and grievance redressal.
Policy holders of Unit Linked Insurance Plans (ULIPs), who wish to pre-maturely withdraw, can now be glad as their investment will soon have some protection. The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDA) are planning to limit cut in yield from the 6th year (of the policy) beyond, according to reliable sources.
The tug of regulatory war over unit linked insurance plans (ULIPs) has ended with regulatory regime to be retained with insurance regulatory body (IRDA). The Central Government has promulgated an Ordinance (legislation) to the effect that ULIPs shall be regulated by IRDA only, thus ending the ongoing claims by both regulators- SEBI and IRDA to regulate the ULIP schemes.
After winning the turf war with market watchdog Sebi on ULIPs, insurance regulator Irda on Monday said it would frame new guidelines for these products to make them more attractive for policy holders. “Certainly, yes,” Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority chairman J Hari Narayan told PTI when asked whether the insurance regulator would unveil new guidelines for unit-linked insurance policies to make them attractive for investors.
The Centre has amended as many as four laws to take the controversial unit-linked insurance plans (ULIPs) out of an ugly courtroom spat between the stock market regulator and the insurance regulator.And now, the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDA) appears set to overhaul ULIP guidelines, industry sources said on Sunday.
As the row over investment-cum-insurance product came to an end, life insurers got another big relief on pension plans, which now would come with minimum guarantee. Recently, the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDA) had proposed a mandatory life cover with pension products, which had created an uproar in the industry.
Currently Ulips come under the EEE (exempt exempt exempt) regime when it comes to taxation. What this means is that the money invested in an Ulip is tax exempt, the returns earned during the tenure of the Ulip are tax exempt and the amount received at maturity is also tax exempt.
After winning the turf war with market watchdog SEBI on ULIPs, insurance regulator IRDA on Monday said it would frame new guidelines for these products to make them more attractive for policy holders. “Certainly, yes,” Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDA ) chairman J Hari Narayan said when asked whether the insurance regulator would unveil new guidelines for ULIPs to make them attractive for investors.
The President of India has promulgated an Ordinance late last evening amending the RBI Act 1934, Insurance Act 1938, SEBI Act 1992 and Securities Contract Regulations Act 1956, thereby clarifying by way of an explanation that Life Insurance business shall include any Unit Linked Insurance Policy or scripts or any such instruments. This would set at rest all the issues regarding ULIPs between two financial regulators i.e. Securities Exchange Board of India (SEBI) and Insurance Regulatory Development Authority (IRDA).