Income Tax : Explore the Principal Purpose Test (PPT) in international tax law, its impact on treaty benefits, legal uncertainty, and potential...
Income Tax : Learn about income tax exemptions for universities, hospitals, and educational institutions under Section 10 of the Income Tax Act...
Income Tax : Learn about the amendments to Section 92CA concerning references to the Transfer Pricing Officer for determining arm's length pric...
Income Tax : New transfer pricing rules allow arm’s length price (ALP) determinations to apply for two consecutive years, reducing compliance...
Income Tax : Finance Bill 2025 allows multi-year Arm’s Length Price determination for similar transactions, reducing repetitive proceedings i...
Income Tax : CBDT sets transfer pricing tolerance range at 1% for wholesale trading and 3% for other transactions for AY 2024-25, providing cla...
Income Tax : From April 2025, TPOs can determine ALP for SDTs not initially referred or reported. This ensures accurate adjustments and complia...
Income Tax : What is the procedure to approve Form 3CEB? Form uploaded by CA shall be available under For your action tab in Taxpayer’s Workl...
Income Tax : ICAI Releases Exposure Draft Guidance Note On Report Under Section 92E Of Income-Tax Act, 1961 (Transfer Pricing) Based on the la...
Income Tax : Association for Corporate Advisers and Executives (ACAE) made a Request for Extension of Due Dates for filing Tax Audit and Transf...
Income Tax : Advocate Amardeep Soni & Advocate Harsha Soni Gemplus India Pvt. Ltd. Vs ACIT (ITAT Bangalore) A Case Study of ITAT BANGALORE...
Income Tax : Bangalore ITAT overturns AO's PE classification of QlikTech India, orders fresh review based on TPO order, addresses TDS and inter...
Income Tax : ITAT Bangalore sets aside AO's decision in Qlik Tech International AB vs DCIT, addressing PE classification, TDS credit, and tax r...
Income Tax : ITAT Delhi directs inclusion of Magma Advisory Services Ltd. in Honda R&D's comparable list, rejecting TPO's reasons and DR's func...
Income Tax : ITAT Bangalore deletes AO’s protective addition in LM Wind Power case, citing settled MAP proceedings on IT fees and commission ...
Income Tax : CBDT notifies Income Tax (Sixth Amendment) Rules, 2025, introducing safe harbour rules for assessment year 2025-26. Full details o...
Income Tax : CBDT sets 1% tolerance for wholesale trading and 3% for other cases under Section 92C for FY 2024-25. No adverse effects from retr...
Income Tax : Stay informed on the latest Income Tax Rule changes with Notification No. 104/2023 by the Ministry of Finance. Learn about amendme...
Income Tax : Read how CBDT's Notification No. 58/2023 amends Income-tax Rules, extending Safe Harbour rules to AY 2023-24. Insights from Minist...
Income Tax : Notification No. 46/2023-Income-Tax Dated: 26th June, 2023 regarding deemed arm's length price for assessment year 2023-2024. Le...
Hyundai Motor India Ltd. Vs ACIT (ITAT Chennai) The next issue that came up for consideration from ground No. 6 of assessee appeal is disallowance u/s.43B(c) of the Act, in respect of performance incentive paid to employees. Facts with regard to impugned dispute are that for the financial year relevant to the assessment year 2016-17, […]
Direct Taxes Professionals’ Association (DTPA), Kolkata has made a representation for Extension of Due Date for filing of Income Tax Audit Report under Income Tax Act to Hon’ble Smt. Nirmala Sitharaman Ji, Union Minister of Finance, Ministry of Finance. Full Text of her representation is as follows:- DIRECT TAXES PROFESSIONALS’ ASSOCIATION Income Tax Building, 3, […]
Tax Advocates Association Gujarat has made a Request for waiver of Late Fees under section 234 F of the Income Tax Act, 196 and extension of DUe Date for filing of audit report & audited Income Tax Return for A.Y. 2021-22. Full Text of their representation is as follows:- Tax Advocates Association Gujarat To, 1. […]
District Taxation Bar Association (Direct Taxes), Ludhiana has made a representation to FM Smt. Nirmala Sitharaman Ji and requested for extension of time for filing income tax returns in the light of the issues and problems being faced by the Members & the Assessees. District Taxation Bar Association (Direct Taxes), Ludhiana Dated: 27.12.2021 To Smt. […]
The Chamber Of Tax Consultants has made a representation to Smt. Nirmala Sitharaman on Technical glitches in the Income-tax e-fining portal and Requested for Extension of due dates for filing Return of Income. Full text of their representation is as follows:- THE CHAMBER OF TAX CONSULTANTS Date: 27th December, 2021 To, 1. Smt. Nirmala Sitharaman, […]
Delhi Tax Bar Association has made a representation to Hon’ble FM Nirmala Sitharaman Ji and requested for Extension of Due Dates for Submission of Income Tax Returns and various Audit Reports under the Income Tax Act and Companies Act. DELHI TAX BAR ASSOCIATION Formerly Bar Association (Income Tax) (ESTD. 1954-55) G-09, CENTRAL REVENUE BUILDING, INDRAPRASTHA […]
All Odisha Tax Advocates Association has requested FM to consider the genuine difficulties of the assessees and Tax Professionals and be generous to pass an order to extend the due date of filing of the return of income of the assessees to 28/02/2022 in place of 31/12/2021 and the TARs from 15/01/2022 to 28/02/2022 and […]
Chandigarh Chartered Accountants Taxation Association has made a representation to Finance Minister for Extension of due dates of Income tax returns & Submission of Tax audit reports for FY 2020-21 (AY 2021-22) in view of Practical difficulties faced by taxpayers & tax professionals in filing Income tax returns, tax audit form. Full Text of their […]
Timex Group India Ltd. Vs ACIT (ITAT Delhi) Brief facts of the case are that the assessee is a company engaged in the business of manufacture, trading, sale and servicing of quartz, analogue and digital watches and watch components; manufacture and sale of plastic components, tools and moulds; and rendering information technology and financial support […]
The assessee company provides back office support services to AEs with the help of tools, infrastructure and training provided by the AEs which is different than the functions of the KPO.