Income Tax : Discover why paying taxes is crucial for national development and how it contributes to public services and infrastructure....
Income Tax : Article discusses about Basic provisions relating to due date of payment of TDS to the credit of Government, Interest for failure ...
Income Tax : 1. Tax collection at source (TCS) is an additional amount collected as tax by a seller of specified goods from the buyer at the ti...
Income Tax : As per Section 206C of Income Tax Act, 1961 (1) Every person, being a seller shall, at the time of debiting of the amount payable ...
Income Tax : The existing provision of section 206C of the Act, inter alia, provides that the seller shall collect tax at source at specified r...
Income Tax : Corporate tax collections rose post rate cuts from AY 2020-21, except during COVID. Budget 2025 proposes presumptive tax for elect...
Income Tax : Analysis of tax collection and economic growth post corporate tax cuts. Includes year-wise revenue, benefits for industries, and i...
Income Tax : Corporate tax collections rose to 3.1% of GDP in FY 2023-24. Learn about tax rate reductions since 2019 and revenue foregone of â‚...
Income Tax : India's gross direct tax collection for FY 2024-25 grew by 19.94% as of January 12, 2025, with net collections increasing by 15.88...
Income Tax : Direct tax collections for FY 2024-25 have risen 21.2% gross, with a 15.41% net growth compared to the previous year, reflecting c...
Income Tax : This Court finds that when the petitioner had agreed to comply with the payment of disputed tax at the rate of Rs. 50 lakhs per mo...
Goods and Services Tax : The gross GST revenue collected in the month of August, 2020 is ₹ 86,449 crore of which CGST is ₹ 15,906 crore, SGST is ₹ 21...
Income Tax : The Budget target for each cadre-controlling Pr. CCIT has been fixed keeping in view the revenue potential of the Region, which is...
Income Tax : I am directed to refer to Board's letter dated 24th May, 2019 regarding Region-wise allocation of revised Budget Estimates(BE) of ...
Income Tax : On review of the progress of TDS collections it is noted that as on 31.08.2017, an amount of Rs. 1,65,114 crore has been collected...
Income Tax : Time-barring date of scrutiny assessment was advanced to 31st December to provide assessment units with a dedicated quarter for re...
Introduction: From 01st June, 2016 TCS is to be collected by seller from the buyer in respect of : (i) sale of motor vehicle of the value exceeding Rs. 10 lakhs (on receipt of sale consideration through any mode ) and also in respect of ;
Whether TCS to be collected, if Goods sold/Services provided of value exceeding Rs. 2,00,000 purchased/received for personal consumption from Retail Buyer? Yes, still TCS provision will be applicable as not exception for such clause is there; every buyer/service provider is covered under these section.
Data Covers Figures of 1. Direct Tax Collection 2. State and U.T. Wise Break-Up of Collection 3. Contribution of Direct Taxes to Total Tax Revenue 4. Direct-Tax GDP Ratio 5. Pre-Assessment and Post-Assessment Collections 6. Cost of Collection 7. Number of Effective Assessees 8. Workload and Disposal of Income tax Cases
Indirect Tax Revenue (Provisional) collections during October 2015 increased by 36.8% as compared with collections made in October 2014; Cumulatively, during April-October 2015, Indirect Tax Collections increased by 35.9% over the collections made during the same period last year suggesting a healthy growth in the underlying tax base
Tax Research Cell of National Institute of Public Finance and Policy (NIPFP) has released a report on Development of an Analytical Model for Widening of Taxpayer’s Base. This study was undertaken for the Central Board of Direct Taxes to analyse and develop an Analytical Model for the number of taxpayers in the personal income tax system.
Indirect Tax Revenue (Provisional) Collections Increase to Rs. 61,284 crore in September 2015 from Rs. 46,224 crore in Spetember 2014 ; Thus an Increase of 32.6% has been Registered in Collections During September 2015 over the Corresponding Period in the Previous Year
Indirect Tax Revenue (Provisional) Collections during Month of August 2015 Increased by 36.7% as Compared with August 2014 while, Overall Indirect Tax Collections During April-August 2015 Increased to Rs. 2,63,089 Crore from Rs. 1,92,677 Crore during the same Period Last Year and thereby Registering an Increase of 36.5%.
Indirect Tax Revenue (Provisional) collections have increased from Rs 40,802 crore in July-2014 to Rs. 56,739 crore during July – 2015. Thus an increase of 39.1% has been registered during July-2015 over the corresponding period in the previous year. This is an achievement of 32.6 % of the target fixed for BE 2015-16.
Indirect Tax Revenue (Provisional) Collections Increase From Rs. 36,408 Crore in May 2014 to Rs. 49,993 Crore During May 2015 An Increase of 37.3 % Registered During the Month of May 2015 over the Corresponding Period in the Previous Year; Central Excise Collections Registered an Increase of 84.2%; Customs Collections Registered an Increase of 16% […]
Direct Taxes worth Rs. 6,95,988 Collected Druing 2014-15; Direct Taxes Contribute more than 56% to total Central Taxes During 2013-14 and 2014-15. The Revised Estimates and actual collections of Direct Taxes for the last three years are as under: