Income Tax : Section 50C: For property sales, if the sale price is lower than the value assessed by Stamp Valuation Authority, that value is co...
Income Tax : Discover the real implications of Section 50C and significant court rulings affecting real income taxation. Explore crucial tax de...
Income Tax : Learn about tax implications for sellers and buyers of immovable property. Understand capital gains, stamp duty, tax withholding, ...
Income Tax : Understand how Sec 50C & 43CA of Income Tax Act affect taxation of immovable property sales. Learn about capital gains, business i...
Income Tax : Income-Tax Implications for the Sellers, if any Immovable Property is Sold for a consideration less than Stamp Duty Value...
Income Tax : Bombay Chartered Accountants' Society has made a Representation on 'Suggestions for Amendments in the Income Tax Act', on 24th May...
Income Tax : In relation to computing capital gains tax liability on transfer of land or building, amendment made via the Finance Act, 2016 giv...
Income Tax : Rationalisation Of Section 50c To Provide Relief Where Sale Consideration Fixed Under Agreement To Sell- Section 50C makes a spec...
Income Tax : Karnataka High Court ruled on V.S. Chandrashekar vs. ACIT regarding tax treatment of land transactions, applicability of Section 5...
Income Tax : ITAT Bangalore ruled on the taxability of Transferable Development Rights (TDR) in the case of Smt. Sowmya Sathyan vs. ITO, clarif...
Income Tax : ITAT Pune ruled on capital gains in Smt. Vimal Baburao Jadhav Vs ITO. The Tribunal held Section 50C inapplicable, recalculating LT...
Income Tax : Bombay High Court holds that Section 50C of the Income Tax Act does not apply to tenancy right transfers, dismissing the Revenue...
Income Tax : ITAT Mumbai rules that Section 50C of the Income Tax Act does not apply to tenancy right transfers, dismissing the Revenue’s app...
Income Tax : Notification No. 8/2020-Income-Tax- CBDT has notified Other electronic modes by inserting New Income TAx Rule 6ABBA. It also amend...
ITAT Ahmedabad held that addition u/s. 56(2)(vii)(b)(ii) of the Income Tax Act justified due to difference stamp duty value of the property and sale consideration. Accordingly, appeal of the assessee allowed.
On appeal before ITAT it was submitted that that the case of assessee has been squarely covered under First Proviso of Section 50C of the Act and thus the sale consideration fixed on date of agreement has to be considered as full valuation of consideration towards transfer of property.
Assessee is an individual filed his Return of Income for AY 2013-14 at Rs.10,98,540/-. During the year consideration, assessee along with other co-owners sold two immovable properties for a consideration of Rs.1,20,60,000/- and Rs.1,85,40,000/-.
In a recent ruling ITAT Mumbai dismissed appeal filed by the revenue and confirmed order of the CIT (A) in treating the income/compensation received from the transaction in agricultural land as business income instead of income from other sources as treated by the AO.
In a recent ruling Delhi HC remanded the proceedings to the AO to consider the Assessee’s alternate claim for loss arising out of the HTM securities, as loss under the head ‘income from business and profession.
ITAT Bangalore held that once the sale consideration mentioned in the sale deed differs from the stamp value adopted by the officer, AO has to adopt the procedures contemplated u/s. 50C of the Act. Accordingly, appeal filed by the assessee dismissed.
ITAT Kolkata held that in terms of block assessment under section 153A of the Income Tax Act, reopening of unabated assessment without any incriminating material found with respect to concerned assessment year is impermissible in law.
ITAT Mumbai held that the internal audit memo is outside the scope and ambit of the term “information” as provided in Explanation 1 to section 148 of the Act, prior to its amendment by the Finance Act, 2022. Accordingly, reopening of proceedings liable to be quashed.
ITAT Kolkata held that amendment to section 43CA of the Income Tax Act vide the Finance Act, 2020 via which tolerance band for deviation between actual sale price and stamp duty valuation increased from 5% to 10% has retrospective application.
ITAT Mumbai held that the deeming fiction of section 50C Income Tax Act cannot be extended while working out the written down value (WDV) for the purpose of claiming deprecation on the block of the asset. Thus, disallowance made is liable to be deleted.