CA, CS, CMA : You may kindly note that the last date for submission of online MEF Form for the year 2018-19 is 21st August, 2018 and online Decl...
CA, CS, CMA : Your attention is drawn towards a need of the hour that Tax Audits allotment be monitored through the department. It is certain th...
CA, CS, CMA : ICAI announces the Draft Bank Branch Auditors’ Panel (MEF) 2024-25 for review. Applicants can check details and raise queries un...
CA, CS, CMA : ICAI extends MEF 2024-25 submission deadline to October 21, 2024. No further extensions. Visit MEF portal for queries or complaint...
CA, CS, CMA : Get ready for MEF 2024-25! Learn how to register, check eligibility, and submit your Multipurpose Empanelment Form for audit firms...
CA, CS, CMA : Get guidelines for filling the MEF 2023-24 Additional Information Form by the Professional Development Committee. Deadline: 7th Ma...
CA, CS, CMA : ICAI announces a one-time window for MEF 2023-24 applications from 20th to 22nd November. Don't miss out, members!...
CA, CS, CMA : This is to inform that Multipurpose Empanelment Form for the year 2015-16 has been made live at Last date for sub...
1. Last date for submission of applications on the website is 27th August, 2011.(5.30 PM.) 2. Members are advised to fill MEF well in advance to avoid last minute rush and technical problems. 3. The information filled in by the applicant in MEF can be edited/modified any number of times before online submission of MEF. 4. All correspondence, acknowledgement, discrepancy letters, etc. will preferably be through e-mail only. Please fill up e-mail id correctly and ensure that it is active.
Every year, Professional Development Committee of the Institute hosts the Multipurpose Empanelment Form (MEF) on This year also, MEF 2010-11 was hosted on May 1, 2010. As per the decision of the Council of the Institute taken at its
This has reference to your application for the multipurpose panel for the year 2010-11. The Bank Branch Auditors’ Panel for the year 2010-11, prepared thereof is hosted at the following link, for your ready reference. Application No MEF00001 to M
This has reference to your application for the multipurpose panel for the year 2010-11. The draft Bank Branch Auditors’ panel for the year 2010-11, prepared thereof is hosted at the following link, for your ready reference. Application No MEF00001 to MEF10000
Multipurpose Empanelment Form for the year 2010-11 is an on line application instead of offline application Members can fill up the application form directly in the site it self and Upload it. Members can view the Application and can Edit the Application in different stages.
Draft Bank Branch Auditors’ Panel 2009-10. MEF00001 to MEF10000, MEF10001 to MEF20000, MEF20001 to MEF30000, MEF30001 to MEF40000 http://www.meficai. org/mef_draft_ panel.jsp? list=list4
Association of the concern/any partner/proprietor with Public Sector Banks as Concurrent / internal / income and expenditure or revenue auditor/ stock auditor/ auditor of borrowers accounts etc. (other than as Statutory Bank Branch Auditors and Central Statutory Auditors).
The last date for submission of application on the website www.meficai. org October, has been extended to 6th 2008 and the last date for receipt of duly signed hard copy of declaration (alongwith the acknowledgement of soft submission of application) at the Institute’s Delhi office has been extended to 16th October, 2008.
Multipurpose Empanelment Form (MEF) 2007-08. View Multipurpose Panel 2007-08 Corrections are being processed, the final panel will be available as soon as possible.