Income Tax : Budget 2025 introduces no income tax on earnings up to ₹12 lakhs under the new regime, offering significant relief. Learn about ...
Income Tax : Learn the key changes in income tax slabs for AY 2024-25 & 2025-26 under section 115BAC, including standard deductions and new tax...
Income Tax : Countrywise withholding tax rates as per the Income Tax Act compared to tax treaties/DTAA. Understand differences & implications f...
Income Tax : Withholding tax rates for dividends, interest, royalties and Fee for Technical Services in different countries. Understand how tax...
Income Tax : Learn about the applicable tax rates for different taxpayer categories, including individuals, HUFs, and companies. Detailed insig...
Income Tax : Union Budget 2025-26 introduces tax relief with no income tax up to Rs. 12 lakh, benefiting middle-class taxpayers and boosting co...
Income Tax : Rates of income-tax in respect of income liable to tax for the assessment year 2021-22 i.e. Financial Year 2020-21 In respect of i...
Income Tax : Income Tax Rate Slabs for Assessment year 2001-2002,2002-2003, 2003-2004, 2004-2005, 2005-2006, 2006-2007, 2007-2008, 2008-2009, 2...
Income Tax : Income Tax Rates (For Individuals, HUFs, Association of Persons, Body of Individuals) ASSESSMENT YEAR 2011-2012 RELEVANT TO FINANC...
Income Tax : Income Tax Rates Chart (For Individuals, HUFs, Association of Persons, Body of Individuals) for A.Y. 2010-11 and F.Y. 2019-10...
Brief about new Personal Income Tax Regime & Key Highlights New section 115BAC is inserted in Income Tax Act by the Finance Act 2020 and it is applicable w.e.f 1st April 2020 and will be applicable on Individuals and HUFs for assessment year 2021-22 and subsequent assessment years. Under this section taxpayers i.e Individuals and […]
Analysis of newly inserted section 115BAC (Concessional Tax Regime for Individual and Hindu Undivided Family) 1. The Finance Act, 2020 inserted new section 115BAC, the section provides that notwithstanding anything contained in other provision of Income Tax Act, 1961, Income tax payable in respect of Income of a person being individual and Hindu undivided family […]
An easy way to compare our tax benefit under existing & new tax scheme based on your keen to investment An easy way to compare our tax benefit under existing & new tax scheme based on your keen to investment The Finance Minister placed the Finance Bill 2020 in the Lok Sabha with proposal of […]
In this Article we update you about the Income tax slab rates applicable to different types of taxpayers such as Individual, HUF, Partnership Firms, AOP/BOI, Co-operative Society, Local authorities, Domestic as well as Foreign Companies, etc for assessment year 2020-21 i.e. financial year 2019-20. Articles compiles Income Tax Rate Chart for Financial Year 2019-20 after […]
Find out the income tax rates for assessment years 2019-20 and 2020-21. Learn about the different tax brackets and rebates under Section 87A.
Understand the changes in the tax rate of domestic companies in India. Learn about the provisions introduced in The Taxation Law (Amendment) Act 2019 and their impact.
Income tax slab rates are decided and governed by Income Tax Act 1961 and are subject to change every year. Here are the income tax slab rates for the Financial Year 2019-20 (relevant to Assessment Year 2020-21) for Resident Individual (Below 60 Years Old), HUF and AOP/BOI/Artificial juridical person, Senior Citizens (60 Years Or More […]
Discover the new corporate tax rates for domestic companies in FY 2019-20. Lower tax rates of 22% and 15% now available.
Faceless Assessments Authorities – A ‘National e-Assessment Centre’ to facilitate and centrally control the e-assessment. ‘Regional e-Assessment Centres’ under the jurisdiction of the regional Principal Chief Commissioner for making assessment. ‘Assessment units’ for identifying points or issues, material for the determination of any liability (including refund), analysing information, and such other functions. ‘Verification units’ for […]
INCOME TAX SLABS & RATES : A.Y 2020-21 [F.Y. 2019-20] Income Tax Slab Rates for A.Y 2020-21 [F.Y. 2019-20] for Individual resident (Aged below 60 years) or Any NRI or HUF or AOP or BOI or AJP, for Senior Citizen (Aged 60 years or more but less than 80 years), for Very Senior Citizen (Aged […]