National Stock Exchange of India
Circular Ref No: NSE/CML/2023/33 – Date: April 28, 2023
The Company Secretary
All Listed Companies
Subject: Introduction of Issue Summary Document (ISD)– Buy-back on NSE Electronic Application Processing System (NEAPS) platform.
This circular is in reference to the SEBI circular SEBI/HO/CFD/PoD-1/P/CIR/2023/29 dated February 15, 2023 (‘Circular’) in relation to the introduction of Issue Summary Document (ISD) and dissemination of issue advertisements.
SEBI vide its aforesaid referred circular introduced ISD for the following events in XBRL (Extensible Business Reporting Language) format with effect from May 02, 2023:
- ISD for Buy-back of equity shares through tender offer
- ISD for Buy-back of equity shares from the open market
Accordingly, the Stock Exchanges have developed the utilities in order to facilitate the filing of the ISD by the listed entities in the format prescribed in the aforesaid Circular.
Listed Entities are advised to follow the below steps/path for submitting the ISD in XBRL format for the above-mentioned events:
1. Post logging in the NEAPS portal ( – click on COMPLIANCE >> Common XBRL Upload
2. Select Issue Summary Document (ISD) for Buyback from the drop down in the Module Tab on the Common XBRL Upload page:
3. The user shall then select the relevant Subject of the Announcement from the drop down:
4. Post selection of the relevant subject, the user shall download the XBRL utility for the said subject from the table below (“Download Offline Excel Utilities), fill in details in the utility and then generate the XML file.
5. Once the XML file is generated from the utility, the listed entity shall fill-in the required details on the portal and click on the Upload XBRL File to make the submission.
In case of any queries concerning the captioned subject, please reach out to the Announcements team at or on the contact details given on NEAPS platform.
Yours faithfully,
For National Stock Exchange of India Limited
Dhaval Shah