Income Tax Department sets up control room for NER for LS Election
Guwahati: 19th March, 2019
The Income Tax Department (Investigation), NER has prepared itself to deal with any reported movement of unaccounted money ahead of the Lok Sabha elections. Pursuant to the notifications for holding Lok Sabha Elections 2019 by the Election Commission of India(ECI). the Investigation Directorate of the Income Tax Department, North East Region (NER) has deployed Surveillance Teams in Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram. Nagaland and Tripura, Air Intelligence Units in all airports of the Seven states and a 24X7 Control Room in the state capitals in terms of instructions and guidelines issued by the ECI. The Income Tax Department is also working in close co-ordination with various teams constituted under CEOIDEOs and other law enforcement agencies.
As per the direction of Election Commission of India. the Income Tax Department is continuously gathering intelligence and keeping close surveillance over movement of cash/valuables or other items suspected to be used for bribing of electors during the ensuing Lok Sabha Elections 2019.
For this purpose, the Directorate of Income Tax (Investigation) NER. Guwahati has opened a 24 X 7 Control Room and Complaint Monitoring Cell at all the Seven States of North Eastern Region. The contact details of the said cell are:
SI. No. | Sate | Toll Free Complaint Number | Mobile &Whatsapp |
1. | ASSAM | 18003453561 | 9531107891 |
2. | ARUNACHAL PRADESH | 18003453563 | 9531107893 |
3. | MANIPUR | 18003453562 | 9531107892 |
4. | MEGHALAYA | 18003453807 | 9436394449 |
5. | MIZORAM | 18003453564 | 9531107894 |
6. | NAGALAND | 0370-2240157 | 9401991258 |
7. | TRIPURA | 18003453567/0381.2310072 | 9531107895 |
The IT department has requested the general public to communicate, to the said 24 X 7 Control Room, any information pertaining to black money and movement of large amount of cash/valuables etc. during the election period which may likely be used for bribing of electors.
A dedicated email id- has also been opened for the purpose.