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(Department of Revenue)


New Delhi, the 12th December, 2014

S.O. 3171 (E).— In exercise of the powers conferred by Sub-section (1) read with clause (b) of the Explanation to Section 35 AC of the Income Tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961), the Central Government, on the recommendation of the National Committee for Promotion of Social and Economic Welfare, hereby notifies the institutions approved by the said National Committee, mentioned in column (2) of the Table below, and approves the eligible projects or schemes specified to be carried on by the said institutions and the estimated cost thereof as mentioned in column (3) of the said Table, and also specifies in the column (4) of the Table the maximum amount of such cost which may be allowed as deduction under the said Section 35 AC for the period of approval, namely:—


Serial No. Name of the Institution Project        or      scheme       and
estimated cost thereof
Maximum amount of cost to be allowed      as     deduction      undersection     35AC     and    period    of
(1) (2) (3) (4)
1. Swa-Roopwardhinee 22/1, Mangalwar Peth, Parge Chowk,Pune – 411 011.


1.  Integrated Development of Girls, Boys and women from slum dwellers in Pune city and villages around Pune city &2.        Construction of multifaceted training centre at Charholi Budruk, District Pune.

(Rs. 9.67 crore)

The         Committee      recommendedapproval for the project at the estimated cost of Rs. 9.67 crore for three financial years commencing with financial year 2014-15, i.e., 2014-15, 2015-16 and 2016-17
2. Sushrut Medical Care & Research Society,Hardikar Hospital 1160/61,Shivajinagar

Ganeshkhind, Pune – 411005

‘SUSHRUT AROGYASEVA’ (Free/Subsidized       treatment   to
rural people in the event of Trauma)(Rs. 23.64 crore)
The         Committee      recommended approval for      the project     at the estimated cost of Rs. 23.64 crore for three financial years commencing with financial year 2014-15, i.e., 2014-15, 2015-16 and 2016-17
3. Centre for Rehabilitation Services and ResearchAt/Po        –     Charampa,    District,
Hi-tech Nursing Training-cum- Treatment centre Mobile Health Care Unit Programme’’(Rs. 5.71 crore) The         Committee      recommended approval for the project at the estimated cost of Rs. 5.71 crore for three financial years commencing with financial year 2014-15, i.e., 2014-15, 2015-16 and 2016-17
4. Lakshmi Rural Development Society, No. 329, MEI Layout Bangalagunte, Hesaraghatta Main Road, Nagasandra Post, Bangalore- 560073 Aadivasi Aani Magas Varga Kanya Vocational Training Center. (Rs. 4.64 crore) The         Committee      recommended approval for the project at the estimated cost of Rs. 4.64 crore for three financial years commencing with financial year 2014-15, i.e., 2014-15, 2015-16 and 2016-17
5. Tirupur School for the Deaf Kothapalyam, Vanjipalayam (PO), Tirupur – 641663. Programme for Development of Hearing and Speech Challenged Children(Rs.1.95 crore) The         Committee      recommendedapproval for the project at the estimated cost of Rs. 1.95 crore for three financial years commencing with financial year 2014-15, i.e., 2014-15, 2015-16 and 2016- 17
6. Samaj Pragati Sahayog, Bagli,District Dewas – 455227 Madhya Pradesh Towards Livelihood and Food Security in India’[Rs.10 crore (Corpus Fund)] The         Committee      recommendedapproval for      the project     at the
estimated cost of Rs. 10.00 crore for three financial years commencing with financial year 2014-15, i.e., 2014-15, 2015-16 and 2016-17.
7. Home of Hope International#73, Kristuraja Nagar,Ganapathy Maa Nagar Coimbatore – 641006 The        Boarding      School     For
Orphan Children(Rs. 698.50 lakh)
The         Committee      recommended approval for      the project     at the
estimated cost of Rs.698.50 lakh for three financial years commencing with financial year 2014-15, i.e., 2014-15, 2015-16 and 2016-17
8. Islamia Educational & Charitable Society,Mohalla Abul Mali

Deoband, near Indira Park

Distt. Saharanpur, U.P.

Pin- 247554

Islamia Group of College (Rs.17.26 crore) The         Committee      recommended approval for      the project     at the
estimated cost of Rs. 17.26 crore for three financial years commencing with financial year 2014-15, i.e., 2014-15, 2015-16 and 2016-17
9. International         Foundation       for
Research and EducationFarm House-2,        Green    AvenueLane,          D-3        Vasant       Kunj,
New Delhi – 110070
‘Higher Education for All’ (Rs. 37.63 crore) The         Committee      recommended approval for      the project     at the
estimated cost of Rs. 37.63 crore for three financial years commencing with financial year 2014-15, i.e., 2014-15, 2015-16 and 2016-17
10. Sadbhav Foundation101, Centre Point

Jijibhai Lane, Opp. Parel Post Office Lalbaug, Mumbai – 400012 Maharashtra.

‘Expansion of present activities’ (Rs. 3.00 crore) The         Committee      recommendedapproval for the project at the estimated cost of Rs. 3.00 crore for three financial years commencing with financial year 2014-15, i.e., 2014-15, 2015-16 and 2016- 17
11. Shree Sheshwatar 1008 Shree Kallaji Vedpeathevam Shodh Sansthan,Kamdhaj Nagar,

Nimbahera –

312 601

Vedas-mart, Sustainable and Inclusive Growth Model Project for SC/ST/OBC BPL Categories Students(Rs. 8.05 crore) The Committee recommended approval for the project at the estimated cost of Rs. 8.05 crore for three financial years commencing with financial year 2014-15, i.e., 2014-15, 2015-16 and 2016-17
12. Digvijay Lions Foundation, Manav- Seva Mandir,Opp: Civil Hospital Gate No. 3, Asarwa, Ahmedabad-380016 Up-gradation and extension of Running Project “Sanatorium” for Cancer, Kidney & Heart Patients(Rs. 12.61 crore) The Committee recommended approval for the      project            at             the estimated            cost         of
Rs. 12.61 crore for three financial years commencing with financial year 2014-15, i.e., 2014-15, 2015-16 and 2016-17
13. Stairs,Shivpoojan Plaza, Hata, Kushinagar,

Uttar Pradesh –

274 303

‘Project Proposal for promotion of      sports     and     games     for
empowerment of youth’ (Rs.11.52 crore)
The Committee recommended approval for the project at the estimated cost of Rs. 11.52 crore for three financial years commencing with financial year 2014-15, i.e., 2014-15, 2015-16 and 2016-17
14. National         Council         for
Climate ChangeSustainable        Developmentand       Public       Leadership
(NCCSD)Post Box No. 4146, Navrangpura Post Office, Ahmedabad –380 009
Global   Warming               Sustainable
Livelihood for small farmers,promotion     and    extension    ofmitigation            and         adoption
practices(Rs. 16.00 crore)
The Committee recommended approval for the      project            at             the estimated            cost         of
Rs. 16.00 crore for three financial years commencing with financial year 2014-15, i.e., 2014-15, 2015-16 and 2016-17
15 Cancer Institute (WIA) Gandhi Nagar, Canal Bank Road, Adyar, Chennai – 600 020 For providing treatment totally free or highly subsidized to general ward patients at Cancer Institute (WIA), Adyar Chennai(Rs.12.00 crore) The Committee recommended approval for the project at the estimated cost of Rs. 12.00 crore for three financial years commencing with financial year 2014-15, i.e., 2014-15, 2015-16 and 2016-17
16. Divyajyoti Trust Tejas Eye Hospital,Suthar Falia Opp. Hanuman Temple

At. PO. Mandvi, Distt. Surat – 394160

Tejas Eye Hospital(Rs. 3.6 crore as Corpus Fund) The Committee recommended approval for the project at the estimated cost of Rs. 3.6 crore for three financial years commencing with financial year 2014-15, i.e., 2014-15, 2015-16 and 2016-17
17. Vasantha Lakshmi Charitable Trust & Research Centre16-11/131,            Kasturidevi
Nagar, PogathotaNellore – 524 001 A.P.
“SAMRAKSHANA”                TheHolistic Rehabilitation & Therapeutic Center for Multiple Disabled, Autism and Cerebral Palsy

(Rs. 1195.38 lakh.)

The Committee recommended approval for the      project            at             the estimated            cost         of
Rs. 1195.38 lakh for three financial years commencing with financial year 2014-15, i.e., 2014-15, 2015-16 and 2016-17.
18. Tapobhoomi Trust HanspalChhak,Maharkanta, Bhubaneshwar 752 101 Gram Swaraj Transfusion of Biodiversity and Livelihoods for self sustenance(Rs. 11.00 crore) The Committee recommended approval for the      project            at             the estimated            cost         of
Rs. 11.00 crore for three financial years commencing with financial year 2014-15, i.e., 2014-15, 2015-16 and 2016-17
19. SwathiThirunalKalakendram Trust Thiruvannur Nada, Calicut, Kerala -673029 Music Therapy Research Centre (Rs. 15.39 crore) The Committee recommended approval for the      project            at             the estimated            cost         of
Rs. 15.39 crore for three financial years commencing with financial year 2014-15, i.e., 2014-15, 2015-16 and 2016-17
20. Shri Anandjibhai Motibhai Patel                   Charitable       Trust“Tapovan”        Near        K.P.

Boarding,      60    Feet Road,
Wadhwan – 363035

Establishment       and     RunningEducational          and        Hospital
Facilities(Rs. 19.48 crore)
The Committee recommended approval for the      project            at             the estimated            cost         of
Rs. 19.48 crore for three financial years commencing with financial year 2014-15, i.e., 2014-15, 2015-16 and 2016-17
21. Arogya Sandhan Charitable Trust   2,                RamkrishnaSarniEastern  Park,       Santoshpur,
Kolkata – 700 075
Vocational Training Center for destitute and economically weaker section children through need based inputs, 100% free of cost(Rs. 5.00 crore) The Committee recommended approval for the project at the estimated cost of Rs. 5.00 crore for three financial years commencing with financial year 2014-15, i.e., 2014-15, 2015-16 and 2016-17
22. Mukund Education Society Opp. Circuit House, Civil Lines Washim – 444 505 Sanmati Engineering College (Rs. 8.54 crore) The Committee recommended approval for the project at the estimated cost of Rs. 8.54 crore for three financial years commencing with financial year 2014-15, i.e., 2014-15, 2015-16 and 2016-17.
23. Rayat Shikshan Sanstha 51 B/51 C, Raviwar Peth, Satara-415 001Maharashtra Construction         of            40                schoolbuilding  at various places in

Maharashtra,       undertaking
computer literacy programs and

quality   enhancement       of
Ashramshalas (tribal school)

(Rs. 99.25 crore)

The Committee recommended approval for the   project   at                the          estimated                cost         of
Rs. 99.25 crore for three financial years commencing with financial year 20 14-15, i.e., 2014-15, 2015-16 and 2016-17
24. Institute for the Handicapped and Backward People44, Chanditala Branch Road, Behala

Kolkata – 700 053 – West Bengal

‘Sustainable          Education                &Training for           Rural      Poorest
Disabled Children, Women forSocio-Economic Development through civil societies & Local NGOs’(Rs. 6.94 crore)
The Committee recommended approval for the project at the estimated cost of Rs. 6.94 crore for three financial years commencing with financial year 2014-15, i.e., 2014-15, 2015-16 and 2016-17
25. Tata Sponge Iron Limited At/PO Joda, Dist – Keonjhar Odisha – 758038 ‘Pragati’(Rs. 6.00 crore) The Committee recommended approval for the project at the estimated cost of Rs. 6.00 crore for three financial years commencing with financial year 2014-15, i.e., 2014-15, 2015-16 and 2016-17
26. Srinivasa               Educational
Society,11/303, Kolap Building, Opp. Bhagatsingh Bagh, Ichalkaranju,                Tal:
HatkanangaleDistt. Kolapur, Maharashtra
Vocational            Training for unemployed Rural        women, entrepreneurship  training  to school leavers(Rs. 5.40 crore) The Committee recommended approval for the project at the estimated cost of Rs. 5.40 crore for three financial years commencing with financial year 2014-15, i.e., 2014-15, 2015-16 and 2016-17
27. Relief & Welfare Society for the BlindPlot No.15, Gate No. 5, Old Collector                Compound, Malwani,               Malad(W),
Mumbai – 400 095.
Relief and Welfare for the Blind (Rs. 2.84 crore) The Committee recommended approval for the project at the estimated cost of Rs. 2.84 crore for three financial years commencing with financial year 2014-15, i.e., 2014-15, 2015-16 and 2016-17
28. Professional Assistance for Development Action (PRADAN)E-1A, Kailash colony, New Delhi- 110 048 Developing Human Resources for change: Catalytic Leadership Programme(Rs. 50 crore as Corpus Fund for Five Years) The Committee recommended approval for the project at the estimated cost of Rs. 30 crore for three financial years commencing with financial year 2014-15, i.e., 2014-15, 2015-16 and 2016-17
29. Heritage Culture Art and Education Development Society C/o Samarth Apartment, B-203,Satawali                Road,     AT.                Post
Lanja TownRatnagiri,              Maharashtra        –
Construction of School Building (Rs. 27.15 lakh) The Committee recommended approval for the project at the estimated cost of Rs. 27.15 lakh for three financial years commencing with financial year 2014-15, i.e., 2014-15, 2015-16 and 2016-17
30. Pumpkin House for Children TrustPlot No.4, Vidhyanagar Nagar                Daund    Road,
AhmednagarMaharashtra – 414005
‘Rehabilitation of Destitute and Economically       weaker   sectionchildren through providing education and shelter, free of cost’

(Rs. 6.80 crore)

The Committee recommended approval for the project at the estimated cost of Rs. 6.80 crore for three financial years commencing with financial year 2014-15, i.e., 2014-15, 2015-16 and 2016-17
31. Mahatma Gandhi University of Medical Sciences and Technology19-20, RIICO Institutional Area,

Sitapura, Tonk Road, Jaipur

‘Mahatma            Gandhi                Oncology
Centre’(Rs. 46.50 crore)
The Committee recommended approval for the   project   at                the          estimated                cost         of
Rs. 46.50 crore for three financial years commencing with financial year 2014-15, i.e., 2014-15, 2015-16 and 2016-17.
32. Ridhi Foundation Trust 145/1129, Kalapinagar, Last Bus StandAsrva, Ahmadabad Mobile Hospital cum Lab (Rs. 8.00 crore) The Committee recommended approval for the project at the estimated cost of Rs. 8.00 crore for three financial years commencing with financial year 2014-15, i.e., 2014-15, 2015-16 and 2016-17
33. Vaishali Education Trust Murgesh ChambersOpp. Krishnanagar

B.R.T.S. Bus Stop, Narodan Ahmadabad

Expansion for providing education to orphan and BPL children, 100% free of cost(Rs.8.00 crore) The Committee recommended approval for the project at the estimated cost of Rs.8.00 crore for three financial years commencing with financial year 2014-15, i.e., 2014-15, 2015-16 and 2016-17
34. Rahul Foundation21 Princep Street, 1st Floor, Kolkata – 72 Multi-Specialty    Hospital & Cancer Detection(Rs. 1300.00 lakh) The Committee recommended approval for the   project   at                the          estimated                cost         of
Rs. 1300.00 lakh for three financial years commencing with financial year 2014-15, i.e., 2014-15, 2015-16 and 2016-17
35. National Agro Foundation Research and Development Center,Anna University Taramani Campus, CSIR Road, Taramani Chennai – 600 113 Rural upliftment programs in India                with        special    focus                on Tamil     Nadu      and         Andhra
Pradesh(Rs. 12.45 crore)
The Committee recommended approval for the   project   at                the          estimated                cost         of
Rs. 12.45 crore for three financial years commencing with financial year 20 14-15, i.e., 2014-15, 2015-16 and 2016-17.

II. This notification shall remain in force for a period of three years in relation to financial years 20 14-15, 20 15-16 and 2016-17 in respect of the projects or schemes mentioned at serial numbers 1 to 35 of the Table above.

[No. 1/ 2014/F. No. V.27015/3/2014-SO (NAT.COM)]


Dy. Secy. (National Committee)


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  1. S Ramaswamy says:

    I have contacts with Trusts having 80G i t exemption needing donation for various social and other activities. If donation possible please contact me on my email.

  2. amitav sahoo says:

    GOOD AFTERNOON. Its My Pleasure to Write You that We have a Experienced Teams of Expert generating FUNDS for TRUST having 35AC 1 & 2,FCRA,12A,80G,SIRO etc. You contact Me Immidiately..Mob No.09853041338,9438369293..email id: amitavindia82@gmail.com .The Fund Raise will be made with stipulated Guidelines.



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