The CBI and the income tax department are at loggerheads. The reason is the effect of a trap laid by the CBI to catch an income tax officer, T V Mohan who was allegedly accepting a bribe of Rs 4.5 lakh from the chartered accountant of a real estate agent. Mohan was detained on Thursday evening. Following Mohan’s interrogation, additional commissioner of income tax, S M Keshkamat was also searched. And that has raised the hackles of the taxmen. The CBI had called a press meet at 2.30 pm at its office to give details of the trap. But it was inexplicably cancelled. A group of additional commissioners of income tax then arrived at the CBI’s office in Colaba seeking a meeting with the DIG of the CBI. They said Keshkamat was being “unnecessarily’ ‘ dragged into the case. Vigilance officers of the I-T department, contacted the CBI director, Ashwini Kumar in Delhi, to complain about the bureau’saction. The CBI said Mohan had not given the assesee his assessment order even two months after it was completed. A bribe of Rs 12.5 lakh was allegedly demanded of which Rs 8 lakh was paid.