Excel sheet for reconciliation of Books with GSTR1 and GSTR 3B monthly like a GST utility
This sheet usefull for reconciliation of Books with GSTR 1 and GSTR 3B monthly quarterly as per requirement, Difference if any then show in figures as well as tabular graph so this find out easily difference if any in any month.
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need password to open the gst rec file
Dear Sir
so please provide in update GSTR-1 vs GSTR-3B file April to March reconciliation and other wise Kindly send the Password for Protected sheet to below mentioned mail. jparkashjha@gmail.com.
file is password protected pls give me password
sir i want books & all GST return compession sheet
aakash agrawal
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file is password protected pls give me password
plz send GST tax format monthly reconsideration as per books & as per return