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ITAT Jaipur

Interest part of Cost of Property & eligible for indexation & deduction

February 28, 2020 46920 Views 1 comment Print

Interest paid  on the borrowing made for acquiring Capital Asset (House Property)  is part of the cost of acquisition and therefore eligible for indexation and deduction from the Sale Consideration  for computation of capital gains. 

Limited scrutiny cannot be converted into complete scrutiny without seeking permission from competent authority

February 27, 2020 2583 Views 0 comment Print

Addition made u/s 69 was liable to be quashed as the order passed by AO would be nullity as he couldn’t convert limited scrutiny into complete scrutiny in absence of requisite approval from the competent authority.

Explained Jewellery cannot be included while giving benefit of CBDT Instruction related to Unexplained Jewellery

February 20, 2020 1578 Views 0 comment Print

CBDT Instruction No. 1916 allowing the specific quantity as reasonable and need not to be explained, does not include the jewellery which is otherwise explained by proof of documents of acquisition as well as declared/ recorded in the books of account of the assessee.

CBDT Instruction No. 1916 will not take away the benefit of explained jewellery

February 20, 2020 9705 Views 0 comment Print

The moot point discussed here is very important where in, the allowed quantity as per the Instruction no 1916 is applicable in case where the assessee does not explain the source of the jewellery and the presumptive quantity is allowed. Such quantity is a Blanket Allowance.

Undisclosed sales – Only profit can be added when purchases are recorded

February 17, 2020 4743 Views 0 comment Print

Murlidhar Deendayal Vs ITO (ITAT Jaipur) In respect of undisclosed sales only profit can be added when purchases are recorded but sales is undisclosed. For this purpose, reliance is placed on the following judicial pronouncements: (i) CIT v/s President Industries (2000) 158 CTR 372 (Guj) (ii) Bansal Rice Mills v/s ITO (2001)72 TTJ 1 (Chd) […]

Registration cannot be denied to trust maintaining ‘Gaushalas’ merely for Sale of Milk

February 7, 2020 6795 Views 0 comment Print

Rajasthan Gau Seva Sangh Vs CIT (ITAT Jaipur) It is pertinent to note that when the assessee is maintaining various Gaushalas then production of milk is bound to happen and dealing in purchase and sale of milk & milk products as well as cattle feed is nothing but the activity in furtherance of the objects […]

Section 147 Reassessment justified for Cash Deposit in Bank but not disclosed in ROI

January 7, 2020 2502 Views 0 comment Print

The issue under consideration is whether the re-opening of assessement u/s 147 is justified in law?

Validity of Approval for Reopening by CIT for wrong application of Law by AO

December 23, 2019 1389 Views 0 comment Print

The question that arises for consideration is where there is no new material brought on record by the Assessing subsequent to completion of original proceedings u/s 143(3) and where the matter was duly examined during the original assessment proceedings, whether the Assessing officer can still acquire jurisdiction by exercising powers u/s 147 of the Act.

Conversion from Limited to Complete Scrutiny Not Allowed Prior to Receipt of Approval from PCIT

December 9, 2019 3789 Views 0 comment Print

The issue under consideration is whether the conversion of case from limited scrutiny to complete scrutiny prior to receipt of approval from Pr. CIT is justified in law?

Limited scrutiny cannot be expanded without prior approval of appropriate authority

December 5, 2019 2934 Views 0 comment Print

If the A.O. has taken up the issue of determining fair market value of the property in question as on 01/4/1981 without converting the limited scrutiny to comprehensive scrutiny by taking the prior approval of the competent authority then the said order passed by the A.O. will be nullity as beyond his jurisdiction.

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