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Income from sale of abandoned cargo by a custodian of goods not liable to Service tax

November 23, 2012 1621 Views 0 comment Print

The counsel for the appellant submits that in Board’s Circular No. 11/1/2002-TRU dated 01/08/2002 it has been clarified that Service Tax is not leviable on the activities of the custodian when he auctions abandoned cargo and VAT/ST is paid in respect of such cargo.

Water supply project not coverd under Erection, Commissioning or Installation Services

November 23, 2012 1577 Views 0 comment Print

Water supply project is an infrastructure facility and a civic amenity which the State provides in public interest and not an activity of commerce or industry. Therefore, the appellants are not covered under the category of Erection, Commissioning or Installation Services.” Following the precedent decision in the case of Indian Hume Pipe Co. Ltd. (supra), we hold that the activities undertaken by the appellants does not cover under the category of Erection, Commissioning or Installation Services. Accordingly, we set aside the demand on this account in the impugned order.

Value of Purchased study material supplied to students not includible in the value of commercial coaching services

November 22, 2012 1511 Views 0 comment Print

The department has issued clarification vide circular No.59/8/2003-ST dated 20.6.2003 and as per the said clarification, it was clarified that in case of commercial training and coaching institutes, the exclusion shall apply only to the sale value of standard textbooks, which are priced. Any study material or written text provided by such institute as a part of service which does not satisfy the above criteria will be subjected to service tax. On the basis of this clarification, the demand has been confirmed against the appellant.

Hiring of bullock-carts not liable to service tax

November 19, 2012 1396 Views 0 comment Print

The issue is whether giving bullock-carts on consideration amounts to supply of tangible goods service. As per the definition of tangible goods service it includes machinery, equipment and appliances. Bullock-carts prima facie cannot be considered as machinery, equipment or appliances. In view of this, the applicants have made out a case for total waiver for hearing of the appeal.

Service tax Demand invalid if Different classification by Department during different times and stages

November 18, 2012 5409 Views 0 comment Print

A perusal of the impugned orders clearly evidences the lack of clarity and understanding on the part of the department. The activity of live telecast of the horse race has been classified as ‘broad casting services’ during one part of the period and during another period, the very same activity is classified as ‘intellectual property rights service’.

ST Refund claim is to be filed by service recipient within one year from tax payment date

November 16, 2012 402 Views 0 comment Print

As rightly pointed out by the Ld. AR, the refund claim ought to be filed within a period of one year from the payment of service tax by the person claiming the refund as per the provisions of section 11B of the Central Excise Act, 1944 read with section 83 of the Finance Act, 1994. From the records it is seen that the appellant had paid the service tax on 24/10/2008, and the refund claim was filed on 28/01/2010 i.e. after a lapse of one year from the date of payment of tax. Therefore, the rejection of refund claim on account of time bar is sustainable in law.

Services in relation to storage of input outside factory are not input services

November 12, 2012 1634 Views 0 comment Print

Ammonia is imported by the appellant and after goods are cleared from the port and the goods are delivered to the appellants. Procurement of the input is over after taking delivery of the goods. Thereafter appellants are eligible for credit of service tax paid on inward transportation of the inputs as per definitions of the input service.

Quoting of wrong registration number on Service Tax Payment Challan is a rectifiable technical error

November 8, 2012 3173 Views 0 comment Print

Inasmuch as the department has received the amount due from the appellant quoting of wrong registration number in the concerned challans is only a technical error which can be rectified at the department’s end itself.

Manufacturing of goods under own brand name is not job-work

November 5, 2012 1316 Views 0 comment Print

Appellants are the manufacturer of country liquor under the brand name “Pahili Dhar” which is a registered trade name of the appellant themselves. The appellants are having the agreement with M/s. Talreja Trade (HUF) for marketing this liquor. Therefore, it cannot be said that the appellant are the job-workers for Talreja Trade as they are the selling agents of the appellants. With these observations, we find that the appellant are not liable to pay service tax under “Business Auxiliary Service” on the above mentioned activity. Accordingly, the appeal is allowed with consequential relief, if any.

Input services received after period of export not eligible for refund

November 2, 2012 820 Views 0 comment Print

Refund has been denied to the appellant on the ground that refund of Cenvat credit had been claimed in respect of input services received by the appellant after the period of export and hence cannot be considered as input services used for the purpose of exported service during the period in question. This is a fact on record that these input services were received after the period of export and this fact is not challenged by the appellants. I find that the Hon’ble High Court of Karnataka has examined admissibility of refund under Rule 5 of the Cenvat Credit Rules, 2004 in case of Shell India Markets (P.) Ltd. v. CCE 2012 (278) ELT 50 (Kar.)and the Hon’ble High Court in para 7 of its judgment has held as under:-

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