Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority
Ref. No: IRDA/IT/MISC/MISC/162/06/2020
Date: 25-06-2020
Advisory on COVID 19-related Phishing Attack Campaign by Malicious Actors
Cert-In has recently issued an advisory to guard against large-scale phishing attack campaign against Indian individuals and businesses (small, medium, and large enterprises). A copy of the advisory is enclosed.
All insurers and the regulated entities are advised to alert their staff,attached and subordinate offices to exercise extreme cautionto prevent any such malicious activities. The best practices stated in the Cert-In advisory may be scrupulously followed.
Any unusual activity or attack should be reported immediately to Cert-In at in the format prescribed by Cert-In ( intimation to IRDAI at
(A.R. Nithiyanantham)
Chief General Manager(IT)
All insurers and reinsurance Branches
TPAs, Insurance Brokers, Web aggregators
Insurance Repositories
Other registered entities