Announcement on Training- 15 months training with FI, Consultancy Firms & Law Firms, Removal of fee of ₹ 50/- and 15 days Specialised training.
The Council of the Institute has approved the following decisions pertaining to training of the students of the Company Secretaryship Course.:
A) 15 months training with Law Firms, Consultancy Firms, Financial Institutions
The Council of the Institute has allowed imparting 15 months training by Law Firms, Consultancy Firms and Financial Institutions. Earlier they were allowed to impart training for 6 months only. Further the Council has removed the criteria of standing, minimum number of partners and fixed assets for registration of Law Firms and Consultancy Firms and approved the revised guidelines for registration of Law Firms, Consultancy Firms, Financial Institutions for imparting 15 months training which is available at training link on the website of the Institute
B) Removal of requirement of remitting fee of ₹ 50/-with Apprenticeship Agreement by the Practising Company Secretaries
The Council has removed the requirement of remitting a fee of ₹ 50/- by the PCS towards registration of apprenticeship training of the students.
C) 15 days with any one specialised agency:
The Council has also allowed undergoing training of 15 days with any one specialised agency as prescribed under Regulation 50 (b) of the Company Secretaries Regulations, 1982, with the broking firms/ companies, Law firms, Universities (recognized by UGC), Merchant Bankers, Mutual Funds, Insurance Companies, SMEs, Industry Associations/ Chambers of Commerce, all Ministries, SEBI, IRDA, TRAI, CCI, Courts, Tribunals and other quasi-judicial bodies.
Source- ICSI
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