Group to look into the intricacies involved in areas wherein changes need to be made and amendments to the Chartered Accountants Act, 1949 pertinent to Disciplinary Mechanism and the Rules framed there under – (27-10-2016)
Council Affairs/M-626/2016
26th October, 2016
Madam/Dear Sir,
The Board of Discipline (Under Section 21A), at its 67th meeting held on 4th July, 2016 at Chennai, while considering an item pertaining to amendments in the Chartered Accountants Act, 1949 pertinent to the disciplinary mechanism and the applicable Rules framed there under, decided that a separate group be formed to look into the intricacies involved in areas wherein changes need to be made and thereafter, further amendments to the Chartered Accountants Act, 1949 and the Rules framed there under be proposed.
Accordingly, the President (Presiding Officer), in terms of the authority given to him by the Council at its 351st meeting held on 12th February, 2016, has constituted the said group with the following composition:-
- CA. Sanjay Kumar Agarwal, Convenor
- Shri R.K. Tiwari, Government Nominee
- CA. Atul Kumar Gupta
- CA. (Dr.) Debashis Mitra
- CA. Sanjiv Kumar Chaudhary
- CA. Sripriya Kumar
Shri Ravindra Singh Pundhir, Assistant Secretary would act as Secretary to the aforesaid Group. Ms. Aruna Sarma, Sr. Executive Officer will provide necessary assistance to the Secretary to the Group.
The said Group will submit its report to the Board of Discipline (Under Section 21A).
Yours faithfully,
( V. Sagar )