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 ICAI Examination – June, 2014

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on filling up June, 2014 CPT (Paper-Pencil Mode) Exam forms, on-line

Please note that these FAQs are merely an attempt to provide answers to questions on the subject, posed to us, by the candidates from time to time, to the extent possible and with reference to the extant scheme of examination. However, this compilation is neither exhaustive not does it purport to be a source of complete information on the subject. Hence, candidates are advised, in their own interest, to refer to the “Guidance Notes” on this site, besides referring to the Chartered Accountants Regulations, 1988 hosted on www. icai.org

 Also Read – Guidance Notes on submission of Online Application Form for CPT June, 2014 Examination (Paper-pencil Mode )

1. Please provide me a check list of things to do, in filling June, 2014 CPT(paper pencil mode) on line application forms:

  • Visit http://icaiexam.icai.org.
  • Read the instructions and the Guidelines given in the website before registering for filling in the on-line form.
  • Create your account.
  • Get a log-in ID and password by SMS and e-mail.
  • Log in using the log-in ID and password and fill the form online.
  • Confirm the particulars on the data confirmation page by tick marking in all the boxes and then clicking Confirm button.
  • Make the payment of the fee payable by using master/visa/maestro credit/debit card.
  • Upon successful payment, log in once again and get a printout of the on-line exam form(PDF).
  • Affix your photos and signature on the print out of the on-line form (PDF), get the form countersigned by your parent/guardian, and then get it attested by a Chartered Accountant/Principal of your school/college/ a Gazetted officer.
  • Despatch the same to ICAI at the address specified, through Speed Post or Registered Post and not by Courier. Do not fold the form. Superscribe the envelope with the words “Printout of Online Application for June, 2014 CPT”. Do not send any other document along with the on-line form. Alternatively, you can submit the PDF at offices indicated in Q25 herein below.
  • In case you have filled in a provisional form, send a copy of your registration letter by separate post along with a copy of provisional exam form, and a letter requesting for correction in /noting of your registration number, either registered or speed post and not by courier. Do not enclose it along with the printout of online application.
  • Keep a photocopy of the print out of the on-line form and proof of posting( speed post/registered post receipt) for your record at least till receipt of your Admit Card.

2. What is the cost of June, 2014 CPT (paper pencil mode) examination application form both for OMR and Online Application Form?

Category Fee to be paid by candidates who opt for physical (OMR) application (inclusive of cost of application form.) Fee to be paid by candidates who opt for on-line application
Candidates opting for centres in India INR 1000/- INR 500/-
Candidates opting for Kathmandu centre INR 1350/- INR 850/-
Candidates opting for Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Doha and Bahrain Centres USD 160/- USD 150/-

Candidates may fill in their forms online at http://icaiexam.icai.org and remit the examination fee mentioned above online by using either VISA or Master or Maestro credit/debit card.

3. I do not have regular access to internet or computer? Is it compulsory to fill the on-line form? Or can I use the physical form?

Though it is not compulsory to fill the on-line form, it is strongly recommended that you may preferably fill the on-line form, if possible. Alternatively, you can use the physical form.

4. Why should I use the on-line form when I can fill the physical form?

  • You will be paying less, if you apply on-line as against physical forms. Details of the amount of fee payable are available in answer to Question No. 2 above.
  • Ease and convenience. You can apply from anywhere, any time at your convenience,( within the stipulated dates). In the case of on-line forms, payment of examination fees is also to be made on-line, through credit/debit cards. No need to go anywhere to buy the form. However, you have to despatch the printout of online application form, duly attested, by Speed Post/Registered Post to the Institute so as to reah us latest by 29th April, 2014.

Login related queries :

5. How do I register for filling the application form on-line for June, 2014 CPT (paper pencil mode)

The steps involved in on-line registration are detailed on the home page on the portal.
Do take care of the following:

DO NOT OPEN MORE THAN ONE SESSION AT THE SAME TIME ON THE SAME COMPUTER WHILE FILLING THE ONLINE FORM. i.e ; do not fill more than one form at the same time on the same computer even if you are filling the two applications using different browsers or different tabs of the same browser.

Clear the temporary internet files and cookies before filling up each form.

Fill up the form at a suitable time and from a location where you have a good bandwidth available using browsers Internet Explorer versions (7.0 onwards), Mozilla Firefox(4.0 onwards), Google Chrome(8.0 onwards) or Safari(3.2 onwards). Do NOT fill the form using mobile phones.

6. Do I need an email address for filling in an on-line application

Yes, since the same is required for informing your user-id and password to you for filling up the online examination application form. It will also be useful for receiving e-mail updates/alerts relating to the CPT exam from the Exam Department of ICAI. Make sure that you fill the correct e-mail ID( without any typographical errors), as all communications from ICAI including your user ID and password will be sent to the email ID that you enter.

7. Can I use my friend’s email ID?

Yes. However, we strongly recommend that you should have your own email ID so that you can send/receive communication/s in a quick, secure, cost effective and eco-friendly manner.

8. Can I start filling in the on-line exam form and complete the same later?

Yes, you can do so, until you make successful payment since after that stage you cannot make any changes.

9. I have not received any email or SMS indicating my log in ID or password though I have already registered myself?

Please check the bulk/spam mail folder for a recent mail with the subject “login ID password for ICAI examination”. Else you can contact the Help Desk at 18603450112 (for users of BSNL/MTNL lines) or 0120-3054851, 0120-3054852, 0120-3054853,0120-3054854, 0120-3054835 or send an email to onlineexamforms@icai.in. Do quote the exam.(i.e. CPT-June 2014), your Student Registration number, Name, Father’s Name and Date of Birth while seeking these details.

10. I am already registered with ICAI in the on-line exam registration portal, when I applied for an earlier attempt. Can I use the same log in ID and password this time?

No. You cannot use the earlier user ID and password since they change from exam to exam.

11. I forgot my password. What should I do?

Click on the “Forgot/did not get password” on the login screen. After selecting the exam applied and entering your registration number and date of birth, the email will be resent to you. If you continue to experience difficulties, you may contact the Help Desk at 18603450112 (for users of BSNL/MTNL lines) or 0120-3054851, 0120-3054852, 0120-3054853, 0120-3054835 or send an email to onlineexamforms@icai.in. Do quote the exam.(i.e. CPT-June 2014), your Student Registration number, Name, Father’s Name and Date of Birth while seeking these details.

12. I am not able to login and fill up the form even after getting the login-id and password.

  • Check the opening page to see if there are messages or alerts that inform you that the on-line system is temporarily unavailable.
  • Check that you are using the correct login ID and password to access your account.
  • Check your acknowledgement e-mail for your login ID and password including the suffix -CPP and password to ensure that you are using the correct one.

In case the problem persists, you may get in touch with the Help Desk, contact details of which are given in the answer to Question No 9 hereinbefore.

13. While creating the user ID, I am directed to submit a provisional application? Why is it so?

Your identity as a student of ICAI is validated through your ten digit registration number ( like NRO0123456) , name of the course for which you are presently registered and your date of birth that you had entered while creating the user ID. If these fields do not match with that in the Institute’s database, you would be admitted on Provisional basis.

Hence, please ensure that you fill in your student registration number as per the registration letter sent to you. You may keep a copy of the letter from Board of Studies, ICAI registering you as a student of ICAI ready, so that you can fill your registration number correctly.

Also ensure that you fill in your date of birth, as per the documents submitted by you to the Institute at the time of registration.

In case your details do not match with our records, we shall still issue the user ID and password. However, you will be permitted to submit a provisional application, subject to submission/verification of documentary evidence, i.e. your copy of your registration letter indicating your registration number and date of registration to CPT course.

Some of the errors committed by candidates while filling the on-line forms are as follows:

  • Your unique student registration number typed on the on-line registration form may be different from the one that is communicated to you by the Board of Studies of the Institute.
  • Your unique student registration number consists of 10 digits, i.e 3 alphabetical characters and 7 digits suffixed, of which the first digit is a “0” (zero). If you type the letter“O” instead of “0” (zero), your identity cannot be validated by the system.
  • The date of birth you enter in the form may be different from the date of birth on the records of the Institute.

14. I submitted my Registration Form for joining the CPT course in time but I have not yet received my Registration Number from ICAI. How should I apply for the June, 2014 CPT?

You can submit your provisional on-line application.

Also, contact the concerned Regional Office of the Institute and get your registration number. Thereafter, you may submit a copy of the your registration letter to the Exam Department at the address given below below (enclosing therewith a copy of your online application form), by separate post, along with a signed letter quoting your registration number and bar code/control number of your exam application form.

The Additional Secretary (Exams)
Examination Department
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
ICAI Bhawan
Indrapastha Marg

New Delhi 110 002

15. Whom should I contact for technical support for my on-line application?

If you have successfully logged into the on-line application and need technical support, you can contact the Help Desk numbers mentioned on the home page or send an email to onlineexamforms@icai.in. They will respond via email as soon as possible ( and within one working day). Please note that the Technical Help Desk can only answer technical questions; they cannot answer questions related to the exam, eligibility etc.

16. I logged into my application and found that all the information I had previously entered is gone. What should I do?

This has most likely happened because you created two accounts (which is technically a very remote possibility ) and have logged into the wrong one. Please make sure you have used the correct login-ID address and password to access your account.

Payment related queries:

17. I do not have credit/debit cards. What should I do?

Someone else can pay for your test, as long as you have their permission to do so.

Take care to give your details when filling in the on-line form. When paying for your exam, we’ll ask you for the cardholder’s details.

18. Can I use internet banking? How do I pay the exam fees on-line?

No. Payment of exam fees through internet banking is not permitted. You can make payment of exam fees by using master/visa/maestro credit/debit cards only.

19. What is the late fee?

There is no concept of late fee in CPT. You must submit the form within the specified date and time. Please fill the form early to avoid any last minute technical glitches and rush.

20. I filled in the on-line form and also paid the exam fees. However, when I saw the credit card/bank statement, I realized that the amount of the exam fees has been debited more than once in my account. It appears that I might have paid the exam fees more than once. Can I get a refund of the excess amount paid by me? What is the procedure for claiming the excess exam fee payment on account of multiple payments/lost transactions etc?

Multiple payments received , if any, for a single student (with same registration number), will be identified by the system and are refunded for the credit of the respective accounts from where they originated, by the office, within 45 days of the last date for submission of forms.

In case you have made payment of exam fees more than once which is received by us for the same student registration number and you do not get a refund within 45 days from the last date for submission of forms, you can claim a refund of the excess amount paid by you, by writing to us within 60 days from the last date for submission of forms, along with documentary evidence, such as bank/credit card statement, of having paid the exam fees more than once. ICAI will verify the same and refund the excess amount, if any, paid by you.

Important dates:

21. What is the last date for submission of forms?

Last date for submission of on-line/physical (OMR) forms — 25-04-2014( Upto 17.30 Hrs IST)
Last date for receipt of the print-out (PDF) of the online exam forms — 29-04-2014 ( Upto 17.30 Hrs IST)

Please note that there is no provision for submission of CPT on-line/physical (OMR) forms with late fee.

22. Does on-line registration close at 17.30 Hours (IST) on the last date or at midnight on the last date?

On-line registration closes at 17.30 (Hours) (IST) on 25th April, 2014 for June, 2014 exam. Hence, take care to see that you fill in your on-line form early enough and do not rush at the last minute.

Generation of print-out of the on-line form :

23. The word PROVISIONAL is appearing on the print-out of the on-line form. Why is it so?

The word provisional is appearing because while creating your login-id, your registration number and/or date of registration and/or your date-of-birth did not match with particulars in our database or you did not enter your correct student registration number and/or date of birth.

You may take a print out of the provisional exam application form and send us in the normal course, as per the procedure prescribed.

Also send seperately, a signed letter quoting the registration number and bar code number/control number, with a copy of your CPT course registration letter, to us to verify your registration number, by separate post. Please do not send the request letter along with the print out of the on-line form. Send it by separate post.

If you have not received your registration letter from the concerned regional office of ICAI so far, you may submit a copy of the same as soon as you receive it. Do get in touch with your regional office to confirm your registration number and date of birth.

24. How do I know that my on-line registration is successful? Do I get any acknowledgement upon submission of on-line form?

Upon successful completion of on-line registration for filling up the on-line application form, a message appears on the computer screen stating that your transaction is successful and giving further instructions on how to take a print out of your on-line submitted application and send the same to us. You can take a print out of the same and send it to the Institute, duly attested. You should also keep a copy for your record. You can also check the payment/ submission status of your application on-line at http://icaiexam.icai.org/checkstatus.php.

25. I have filled the on-line form and paid the exam fee on-line. Do I still have to take a print out and send it to ICAI and if yes, where should I send/submit it?

Yes. Even if you have filled the exam form on-line, you will be required to take a print out of your on-line application form, affix your photographs and specimen signature on the same at the appropriate place, get the signatures of your Parent/Guardian, get the same attested by a Chartered Accountant/Principal of your educational institution/ Gazetted Officer and send the same to us by hand/by Speed Post/Registered Post as under :-

Submission by Hand : you may submit the printout of your application (PDF) within the given date as above at any of the following offices on working days between 10am to 5:30pm by 29-04-2014.

The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India,
ICAI Bhawan
123, Sardar Patel Colony, Near Usmanpura Under Bridge,
Navjivan PO, Naranpura,
Ahmedabad – 380014 (Telephone No – 079-27680946, 27680537, 39893989).

The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India,
ICAI Bhawan
No. 16/0, Millers Tank Bed Area, Vasanthnagar,
BANGALORE – 560052 (Telephone No – 080-30563500).

The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India,
ICAI Bhawan,
122, Mahatma Gandhi Road,
CHENNAI – 600 034 (Telephone No – 044-39893989).

The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India,
ICAI Bhawan,
Indraprastha Marg,
New Delhi – 110 002 (Telephone No – 011-39893989).

The Institute of Chartered Accountant of India,
ICAI Bhawan,
52-54 Institutional Area, Vishwas Nagar,
Near Karkardooma Court Complex,
DELHI – 110032 (Telephone No – 011-39893990).

The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India,
ICAI Bhawan
11-5-398/C, Red Hills,
HYDERABAD – 500 004 (Telephone No – 040-23317026, 23317027, 23317028, 23393182, 30638600).

The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India,
ICAI Bhawan
D-1, Institutional Area,
Jhalana Doongri,
JAIPUR – 302004 (Telephone No – 0141-3044200, 3044214, 3989398).

The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India,
ICAI Bhawan,
7 Anandilal Poddar Sarani, (Russell Street)
KOLKATA – 700 071 (Telephone No – 033-39893989).

The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India,
ICAI Bhawan,
16/77-B, Civil Lines,
(Behind Reserve Bank of India),
KANPUR – 208 001 (Telephone No – 0512-3989398).

The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India,
ICAI Tower,
Plot No. C-40, G-Block
Opp. MCA Ground,
Bandra East,
MUMBAI – 400 051 (Telephone No – 022-33671400, 33671500).

The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India,
“ICAI Bhawan”,
Plot No.8, Parshwanath Nagar,
CTS No.333, S. No.573, Munjeri,
Near Mahavir Electronics, Opp. Kale Hospital, Bibavewadi,
PUNE – 411 037 (Telephone No – 020-24212251 / 52, 32335306).

Submission by Post : You may send printout of the on-line submitted form (PDF) by SpeedPost/Registered Post Only(not by courier/ordinary post) without folding and superscribing the envelope as “Exam Application Form CPT, June – 2014” so as to reach us on or before 29-04-2014. The address for posting is as under:

Additional Secretary (Exams)
Examination Department
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
ICAI Bhawan, Indraprastha Marg,
New Delhi – 110 002.

26. Incorrect particulars are appearing in the print-out of the on-line form. What should I do ?

The print-out of the on-line form reflects what is filled up by you. We request you to be careful while filling and saving the form. If you have made the successful payment and want corrections, you can highlight the area wrongly entered/appearing in the print-out of the on-line form and mark the correction (in ink) without disturbing any other area.

Also send SEPARATELY a signed request letter quoting the registration number and bar code number/control number intimating the correction required. Please do not send the letter along with the print out of the on-line form. Send it by separate post.

However, if a Correction Window is hosted at http://icaiexam.icai.org, then the required corrections should be filled-up and submitted on the above website only during the period when Correction Window is open (for which you may visit www.icai.org or http://icaiexam.icai.org)

27. Myself and my friend were applying from the same computer and now my details are appearing in my friend’s print-out of the on-line form and/or my friend’s details are appearing in my printout of the online form.What should I / my friend do?

You have been advised on the portal as well as in the registration email and through SMS, not to open more than one session at the same time on the same computer. Though abundant precaution is taken to avoid such mishaps, you will now have to get in touch with us by e-mail to cpt_exam@icai.in (with a copy by speed post) to have this resolved alongwith corrected and signed print-out of the on-line form and copy of your CPT course Registration letter and also inform over telephone at 0120-3054851, 852, 853,854, 835 (Fax Nos. 0120-3054841/843).

28. My payment was successful. But I am not able to generate the PDF document? What should I do now?

This situation, may, sometimes, occur due to variety of technical reasons beyond ICAI’s control in which case, you may have to start all over afresh and also make payment once again. As to refund of the earlier payment made by you, please refer to FAQ No. 20.

29. Do I need to send any documents along with the print out of my on-line form?

No. Please do not send any enclosures along with the printout of on-line form.

30. What does submitting a provisional application mean to me, as a candidate? Will I be able to sit for the exam?

Before filling up the form, please ascertain your eligibility as laid down vide Regulation 25D(1) of the C.A. Regulations, 1988.

In case you have submitted a provisional form, you will be admitted provisionally and permitted to appear for the exam, on provisional basis only and in case it is found that you did not meet the eligibility requirements, your admission to CPT, and if already appeared, the result thereof and further admission to the next level of C.A. course will be treated as Cancelled. In case you are ineligible, ICAI will send you a separate communication. In any correspondence with the Exam Dept. in this regard, please do quote the control/Bar Code/Reference No. of the on-line form.

31. What happens if I forget/omit to send the print out through oversight?

In case you do not send us the print out of your on-line exam form, issue of admit card to you will be held up. Absence of your photograph and signature will create difficulties in issue of your admit card and result card. Hence you are advised to send the print out of your on-line application with your photo duly affixed, signature, attestation etc, in your own interest, so as to avoid these difficulties/correspondence at a later date.

32. Is it alright if the print out of the on-line form is attested by any member of the Institute or a Gazetted Officer or should it be attested by my College/School Principal only?

Your photo and signature and data on the print out of the on-line form submitted by you has to be attested by a Chartered Accountant or your School/College Principal Or Gazetted Officer.

General queries:

33. What is the date of CPT (paper pencil mode) June, 2014 ?

The forthcoming CPT (paper pencil mode) will be held on Sunday 22nd June, 2014. You may refer to the announcement in this regard in the Students/Examination section of our website www.icai.org or the Guidance Notes on this site, for complete details.

34. When will I get admit card and how?

Admit Cards of the candidates admitted to CPT will also be hosted on website www.icai.nic.in on or before 31st May, 2014.

You may also download the same from the above website, i.e. www.icai.nic.in by entering your CPT registration number or exam form bar code/control number along with PIN (Personal Identification Number) as filled in by you in your examination form and appear in CPT. This downloaded admit card bearing your scanned photograph and signature is also valid for admission to the exam.

In case you do not receive the admit card, till a week before commencement of exam, you may contact the Help Desk numbers given in answer to Question No. 40.

35. What should I do, in case the details in the admit card differ from those in my application form?

On receipt of admit card, please do verify your name, registration number, centre, medium, etc. In case of any discrepancy, you can contact us at following phone numbers / email-ids :

Helpline Numbers: 0120-3054 851, 0120-3054 852, 0120-3054 853,0120-3054 854, 0120-3054835

Fax: 0120-3054841, 0120-3054843

Email ID       cpt_exam@icai.in

Or e-Sahaayata available under ‘e-Services’ on the home page of the Institute’s website www.icai.org

36. What are the rules regarding verification of marks?

You may refer to the announcement in this regard in the Students/Examination/FAQs section of our website www.icai.org or the Guidance Notes on this site, for complete details.

37. I am a physically challenged candidate. Can I get relaxation in time or can I appoint a scribe/writer for writing the exam?

You may refer to the Guidance Notes on this site or see the announcements hosted on the URL and , for complete details.

38. I have already registered/applied for registration to the Common Proficiency Course (CPT). Do I need to apply for admission to June, 2014 CPT (examination) separately or can I appear in June, 2014 CPT (examination) based on my registration to Common Proficiency Course (CPT)?

No. Every student registered to the Common Proficiency Course before the last date (i.e. 1st April, 2014 for June 2014 CPT) for being eligible to appear in CPT, is required to apply separately for appearing in the CPT(examination).

39. Is it mandatory to have appeared in recognised Class 12th (10+2) examination or its equivalent before appaering in CPT (examination) ?

Yes, it is mandatory that a candidate should have either passed or already appeared in recognised Class 12th (10+2) examination or its equivalent before appearing in CPT (examination). If not already appeared as on the date of filling up / submitting the application for June, 2014 CPT (examination), the candidate should be going to appear in recognised Class 12th (10+2) examination in April/May, 2014.

40. Feedback:

We welcome your feedback/suggestions on your experience in filling the on-line forms. You can send them to us at any of the contact details given below:

a) E-mail:

onlineexamforms@icai.in (Only For feedback relating to Technical difficulties in filling on-line forms during the duration of the on-line filling of form ) and

b) Phone:

18603450112-For users of MTNL or BSNL lines and for others :-
0120-3054 851
0120-3054 852
0120-3054 853
0120-3054 854
0120-3054 835

c) Fax: 0120-3054 841

d) By post:

The Additional Secretary (Exams)
Examination Department
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
ICAI Bhawan
Indraprastha Marg
New Delhi 110 002

Source- ICAI



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  1. SATISH says:

    i have submitted my online cpt exam form to icai bt now i came to know the address i filled in d form is wrong now wat should i doo plz help meee

  2. Mahesh Chand Gupta says:

    THANKS, you have provided/ collected very useful informations/clarifications for the students appearing for the CPT Exam. VERY GOOD EXERCISE

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