Goods and Services Tax India: Read all latest GST news, articles, notification, circulars, case laws news on, MVAT DVAT PVAT GST GSTN IGST CGST GST Council GST Rates SGST GST Forms GST Rules.
Goods and Services Tax : Understand the recovery process for excess input tax credit distributed by ISD, its eligibility verification, legal provisions, an...
Goods and Services Tax : Any person who applies for registration under GST will have to undergo the process of Aadhar Authentication, mandatorily in terms ...
Goods and Services Tax : Understand whether GST registration is mandatory for service exporters in India. Analysis of CGST and IGST provisions on inter-sta...
Goods and Services Tax : New GST notifications for hotels/restaurants: 'Specified Premises' introduced, 'Declared Tariff' removed. Learn opt-in/out rules &...
Goods and Services Tax : Delhi High Court directs GST refund release, rejecting tax department’s delay. Case highlights refund disputes and legal hurdles...
Goods and Services Tax : Odisha Finance Department clarifies that GST does not apply to compensation for land and building acquisition, advising government...
Goods and Services Tax : GST on commercial coaching services, exemptions for educational institutions, and book tax status. Details on revenue and relief m...
Goods and Services Tax : Government considers GST reforms based on industry feedback. Recent changes include ITC time extension, tax waiver, appeal deposit...
Goods and Services Tax : Online gaming tax collection lacks specific tracking. Govt issued notices for ₹1.43 lakh crore. GST at 28% applies to real money...
Goods and Services Tax : Tamil Nadu trade associations have requested GST reductions on food, camphor, and services. No GST Council recommendation yet on m...
Goods and Services Tax : Tamil Nadu AAR rules that school transport services provided directly to students are not exempt from GST under Notification No.12...
Goods and Services Tax : Maharashtra AAR rules fish finders are not parts of vessels under HSN 8901-8907, impacting GST rates for trading companies....
Goods and Services Tax : Maharashtra AAR rules stipend reimbursement to training firms is exempt from GST, clarifying pure agent status in industry partner...
Goods and Services Tax : The Officer was directed for fresh consideration of Penalty @200% for non-generation of an e-invoice as there was a failure on ...
Goods and Services Tax : Gujarat High Court sets aside GST registration cancellation orders, citing lack of reasons and hearing opportunity. Case remanded ...
Goods and Services Tax : GSTN introduces biometric Aadhaar authentication and document verification for GST registration applicants in Uttar Pradesh, effec...
Goods and Services Tax : Detailed amendments to Notification No. 02/2017-Central Tax, revising territorial jurisdictions for Alwar, Chennai Outer, Jaipur, ...
Goods and Services Tax : CBIC invites proposals from CGST zones to reorganize territorial jurisdictions, aiming for a comprehensive assessment. Deadline fo...
Goods and Services Tax : CBIC newsletter notes Women's Day celebrations, post-budget interactions, and DRI's gold smuggling seizures in Bengaluru and Mumba...
Goods and Services Tax : A Group of Ministers (GoM) is set up to evaluate the feasibility of a special cess under GST for disaster relief and recommend a u...
The applicant is not eligible for the credit of tax paid on the Input services used exclusively for providing exempt services of health services to in patients such as laundry services used for in patients. For Input services such as housekeeping, leasing of equipment used for both exempt supply of health services to in patients and taxable supply of medicines etc. to outpatients , the appropriate ITC eligible is determined by Rule 42 of the CGST Rules 2017 and TNSGST Rules as amended read with Section 17(2) of CGST/TNGST Act 2017.
In respect of continuous supply of service when the license is in effect , as per Section 31(5), the tax invoice, containing the details as per Rule 46 of CGST/TNGST Rules ,should be raised on or before due date of payment as ascertainable from the contract. It is seen in the sample contracts provided that in certain cases, the due date of payment is periodical, either monthly or annually, with the due dates specified after the end of such period.
In the scenario of the license for renting of immovable property has expired and not in force but the licensee continues to be in Possession and occupation of the immovable properties , in cases where there is a provision in contract for continued supply of service after expiry or termination of the contract, the Rent Claim Advice is issued by the applicant with the period prescribed in Section 31(5) and the Time of supply as determined by Section 13(2)(a), as the earliest of the date of issue of Rent Claim Advice by the supplier and the date of receipt of payment.
Murali Mogan (GST AAR Tamilnadu) Tamarind supplied by the applicant which has not undergone the process of direct drying in sun or by industrial process is classifiable under CTH 08109020.
Medicines, consumables and implants used in the course of providing health care services to in-patients by the applicant is a composite supply of Inpatient Services classifiable under SAC 999311.
In re VAPS Knowledge Services Pvt. Ltd. (GST AAR Karnataka) What is the HSN Code and rate of tax payable under GST Act for the e-campus solutions supplied by the applicant? The supplies made by the applicant are covered under SAC 997329 and is liable to tax at 9% CGST under entry 17(iii) of Notification […]
In re Sagas Autotec Pvt. Ltd. (GST AAR Karnataka) Classification of LPG Conversion Kit for Automobiles- The LPG Conversion Kits are classifiable under HSN 8409 99 90 and the same are covered under serial no.116 of Schedule IV to. the Notification No. 01/2017 Central Tax (Rate) dated 28.06.2017 and hence liable to tax at 14% […]
In re Sringeri Yogis Pai (GST AAR Karnataka) Whether the Tobacco leaves attracting tax at the rate of 5% on forward charge or whether such Tobacco leaves can be classified as Unmanufactured tobacco ;tobacco refuse {other than tobacco leaves} (other than bearing brand name) Unmanufactured tobacco (without Lime tube)-bearing a brand name Unmanufactured tobacco (with […]
In re Karnataka Co-operative Milk Producers Federation Ltd. (GST AAR Karnataka) Whether the Flavored Milk is liable to be classified under HSN 0402 99 90 or under 2202 99 30 or under any other Chapter? The “flavoured milk” is not a water based drink whereas the tariff heading 2202 deals with water based beverages and […]
Whether the Commission earned from auctioning of flowers is covered under entry no. 54(e) & (g) of Notification No.12/2017 – Central Tax (Rate) dated 28.06.2017 and entry no. 54(e) & (g) of Notification (12/2017) FD 48 CSL 2017 dated 29.06.2017?