Eligibility to file ITR 4 for A.Y. 2020-21: Individuals, HUFs and Firms (other than LLP) being a resident having: 1. Total Income upto Rs 50 Lakhs 2. PGBP income computed under sections 44AD, 44ADA or 44AE 3. Income from Salary / Pension 4. Income from ONE House Property 5. Income from Other Sources 6. Agricultural […]
CBDT has released the ITR forms, ITR V and acknowledgement and has made major changes. Here, I’m discussing ITR V and acknowledgement for A.Y. 2020-21. So in earlier years, we have only ITR V i.e., acknowledgement generated after filing and verified ROI. Now in A.Y. 2020-21, after filing ROI, there will generate an ITR V […]
AS 2 – Valuation of Inventories prescribes accounting treatment for inventories and sets the guidelines to determine value at which inventories are carried in financial statements. Indian Accounting Standard (Ind AS) 2, Inventories, prescribes the accounting treatment for inventories, such as, measurement of inventories, recognition of inventories as expense and disclosure etc. S. No. Ind […]
Discover how to account for service concession agreements under Ind AS. Learn about the financial implications and requirements for public-to-private service arrangements.
Understand the Indian Accounting Standard (Ind AS) 7 Statement of Cash Flows. Learn about its applicability and cash and cash equivalents.
Understand Ind AS 24 – Related Party Disclosures in Indian Accounting Standards. Learn about related party transactions and their impact on financial reporting.
Understand practical situations on Ind AS 21 and ITFG. Learn about analyzing revenue, costs, and functional currency in international business transactions.
Ind AS 21: The effect of changes in foreign exchange rates Applicability: 1. Accounting of transaction and balances in foreign currency 2. Translating results and financial position of foreign operations 3. Translating entity’s results and financial position into PRESENTATION CURRENCY Not Applicable to: 1. Foreign currency derivatives which are covered by Ind AS 109. 2. […]
Accounting of Loans under Ind AS Two Ind AS would be referred for the accounting of loans: Ind AS 109 (Financial Instruments) and Ind AS 113 (Fair Value Measurement). As per Ind AS 109, financial instruments have to be measured at fair value at its initial recognition as per the methodology given by Ind AS […]
Understand Ind AS 108: Operating Segments and its applicability to companies. Learn about the requirements and options for disclosing segment information.