The formation and regulation of Producer Company is governed under the provisions of Sections 581A to 581ZL of Companies Act, 1956, read with Companies Act, 2013, and the rules made thereunder
Private Limited Company is the most popular form of starting a business, there are various compliances which are required to be followed once your business is incorporated. Here is a list of compliances for the Private Company: Sr. No. Particulars Due Dates/Status 1. Company Name Board Every Company shall paint or affix its name, and […]
Section 8 Company Section 8 Company is a legal entity that promotes commerce, art, science, sports, education, research, social welfare, religion, charity, environmental protection, and the likes of it. Though similar to Trusts or Societies, a Section 8 Company is registered under the Ministry of Corporate Affairs for charitable / not-for-profit purposes and administered through […]
Appointment of an Independent Director 1. Call and convene meeting of Nomination and Remuneration Committee. The Nomination and Remuneration Committee of the Company shall with a due diligence select and recommend an Individual to be appointed as an Independent Director after ensuring that there is appropriate balance of skills, experience and knowledge. 2. As per […]
When is not feasible to call Board Meeting and approval of Directors is required on an urgent basis. In such cases, resolution can be passed through Circulation. As per Section 175 of the Companies Act, 2013 read with Rule 5 of Companies (Meeting of the Board and its Powers) Rules, 2016 and Secretarial Standards-1 issued by the Institute of Company Secretaries of […]
Article explains Steps for Conversion of LLP into Company limited by shares, List of Documents required filing with ROC for conversion of LLP into Company in Form URC-1, Company required to file e-form for Conversion of LLP into Company limited by shares and FAQs on Conversion of LLP into Company limited by shares. List of […]
SPICE+ : INCORPORATION OF THE COMPANY:- SPICE+ is divided into two Parts: 1. SPICe+ Part A represents the section wherein all details with respect to name reservation for a new company has to be entered. 2. SPICe+ Part B represents the section wherein all remaining details required for incorporation of a company has to be […]
1. Time Period For Creation/Modification Of Charge: For Creation / Satisfaction of Charge Form CHG-1/ CHG-4 will be within 30 days of Creation/ Satisfaction of Charge. If the company fails to file within 30 days? Companies may allow such registration to be made within a period of 300 days of such creation If the Company […]
Incorporation of section 8 company: Step 1: Apply of name through RUN. We can’t directly go through the spice form for incorporation of section 8 company. Step 2: The application for grant of licence in form INC – 12 shall be accompanied by the following documents, namely: – (a) the draft memorandum(inc 13)and articles of […]