How to choose the right health insurance plan? With many organizations entering the insurance forte, deciding the best health insurance plan requires careful analysis
We all come across situations wherein our personal finances go beyond control. Despite trying hard to maintain it every month, we fail.
Introduction: Mr. Kumar, aged 47, a marketing professional, is an ambitious investor. He wanted to save funds for the rainy day and lead a comfortable living. He had read and seen people invest in stock, mutual funds and many other investment vehicles.
Dreaming on How to take early retirement or How can I get early Retirement? seems fantastic. Just say goodbye to your work and pursue your passion, hobbies, engage in charity activities, travel or just sit and enjoy life.
In the current oscillating economy and soaring inflation, investing for return is a big challenge. Investors are becoming more growth and return savvy. Mutual funds have become one of the most popular investment vehicles in India, as they come in different flavors to suit the varied needs of the investors
Just imagine, you are surfing on the blue green waters of Mauritius, sipping the serene and spiritual beauty of Bhutan in your soul or just wandering on the green pastures of Switzerland! Then all of a sudden, you develop severe stomach- upset in Mauritius, lost your baggage in Bhutan or misplace your passport during night train travel in Switzerland/Germany.
No one likes to talk about death. We must accept the fact that everyone born in this world must face the reality of death. Not only losing the loved ones, most of the times, families get into serious financial crisis.
Have you ever taken an investment decision and later regretted for taking such decisions? If you could answer the following 3 questions before taking any investment decision the chances of regret will come down and the chances of pride will go up.
Managing your personal finance is the key to to a happy and stable life. But it is not that easy in these uncertain times. There are many issues that complicate the matter further. And financial goals and needs are not same for everyone. So it is not possible to draw universal financial ratios that work for everyone.
Learning is a continuous process. Each day we enrich our experience and knowledge by coming across new events and various interactions. Investors relentlessly strive to get their decisions right. Clinical precision is what they seek, some like Warren Buffet succeed, some other wannabe Buffets are not as fortunate.