The Companies Act 2013 and further major amendments noted in the Companies (Amendment) Act 2017 related with Section 89 and 90 of the Companies Act, which governs and spell out provisions of the Beneficial Ownership.
We understand that in a company there are certain stakeholder’s such as shareholders, management, customers, suppliers, financiers, employees, government and the community, whose interest is to be protected, directed and controlled by the set system of rules, practices and processes.
Under the Constitution of India, Labour is a subject in the Concurrent List where both the Central & State Governments are competent to enact legislation. At present, there are 44 labour related statutes enacted by the Central Government dealing with minimum wages, accidental and social security benefits, occupational safety and health
This is need based initiative of SEBI post the Companies Act, 2013 and Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements Regulations (LODR), 2015. What were the shortcomings in corporate governance in the Companies Act, 2013 and SEBI’s LODR that required yet another committee? The scams and scandals in the corporate world which has disturbed the base of the […]
This is a welcome step and was long awaited. There was need to have a more robust, efficient and user friendly framework. Hope this will encourage one and all to seek protection of their trade marks.
Employee Stock Option Plan (ESOP) – Companies Act, 2013 for un-listed Companies 1. Objective of issuing ESOP :- The objective of issuing ESOP is to: A. Provide incentive to retain and reward employees of the company based on their contribution. B. Motivate employees to contribute to the growth and profitability of the company in future […]
Companies Amendment (Bill) 2017 was passed after incorporating certain notable amendments. The major amendments include definitions and clarification of certain terms in Section 2. Omission of provisions relating to Time limit 0f 270 days for certain filings