"Hemant Garg, Associate member of The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. He is young and dynamic. He became a member of the Institute at the young age of 22 yea... rs. Ever since he has qualified, he has accumulated vast experience in diverse fields like Corporate Finance, Taxation, Statutory and Internal Audits of Public Sector Undertakings and Big Corporate, and the small and medium scale industries. He has represented clients before Senior officials of Income Tax, GST, Service Tax, Company Law Board, Sales Tax, etc. His training as a Chartered Accountant has been very specialized & impressive professionally. " Read more >
I am herewith attaching the format of the consent letter for obtaining and using the DSC of the client which is mandatory taken by the Professional for Safeguard their interest. Date: To, M/s. ABC & Co. Chartered Accountants, Dear Sir, Subject: Authorization to obtain and use Digital Signature Certificate With reference to the above subject, […]