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Aman Mittal

Latest Posts by Aman Mittal

Appointment of director aged 70 years or above!!

December 28, 2020 39114 Views 0 comment Print

Is it possible for a company to appoint or continue with a director aging 70 years or above? Answer to it is affirmative that too without any restriction. However a Managing Director, Whole-time Director or Manager cannot be appointed or continued if aged 70 years or above, but their appointment is also possible subject to […]

1 Resolution 2 Directors…!! Possible..??

December 15, 2020 17595 Views 0 comment Print

As per Companies Act, 2013, Company generally appoints Directors in General Meeting by passing an ordinary resolution subject to some exceptions. Moreover, Companies appoint one director at a time, Right? It is affirmative. But it is needless to say that Companies has to do a lot of work where it may require to appoint more […]

Is dividend out of reserves possible?

July 2, 2020 30168 Views 0 comment Print

Yes, prima facie, it is possible for a company to pay dividend out of reserves. In advance India, majority of the people are investing in the shares of those companies which are regularly paying dividends. Everybody, who invests expect a healthy return from such investment. The large companies which are regularly paying dividends are becoming […]

Anatomy – Private Limited company under Companies Act, 2013

June 19, 2020 27972 Views 14 comments Print

In India, there are around 1250 Laws applicable in different terms in different manner. Some laws use word Prohibition and some use Restriction. But, these both terms are being used in different sense at different locations. To interpret the meaning of these words to be applied at specific provision in Law, it is necessary to […]

Total Voting Power V/s Total Share Capital

June 17, 2020 16530 Views 19 comments Print

Interpretation of Statutes plays a very important role in understanding the true meaning of law and applies it in ascertaining the correct view of what the law is saying. There are many rules describing the interpretation of statutes, say, Rule of Literal Interpretation, Rule of Logical Interpretation, Rule of Ejusdem Generis, Noscitur a Sociis, etc. […]

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