"Sakshi Agarwal is a fellow member of the Institute of Company Secretaries of India and a qualified Lawyer. She has experience of more than 10 years in catering the need... s of various kinds of entities such as Companies, LLP’s, Partnership Firms etc. in complying with various laws applicable and other services which are necessary for the overall governance of an entity, including the services to existing entities and for setting up of the new business.
Sakshi play a keen role in managing the compliance audits, legal due diligence and review of the area of the statutory compliance s during internal audit. Sakshi holds the credit of drafting couple of statutory compliance manuals for the big corporate houses
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Job Experience
Some of the key areas handled by her includes:
• Preparation & Maintenance of Statutory Registers under Companies Act, 1956.
• Preparation & Maintenance of the Notes, Agenda and Minutes Book of the Board Meetings, Extra-ordinary General Meeting & Annual General Meeting.
• Handling the intricacies of Secretarial & Legal department.
• Handling Board Meetings, Annual General Meeting, Extra Ordinary General Meeting
• Shift of registered office, Name Change, Conversion of Private Company into Public Company.
• Due Diligence
• Drafting & filing of Petition with the CLB.
• Compounding of offence under section 621A of Companies Act, 1956.
• Demerger and amalgamation of companies, Winding up petitions
• Dealt with the grant of certificate of Registration for NBFC
• Delisting of securities from stock exchange.
• BIS code, Registration under Shops and Establishment Act
• Intellectual Property Rights matters
• Incorporating Private companies and Public companies.
Latest Posts by Sakshi Agarwal
September 12, 2019
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Costing Taxonomy 2019 to cater to the annual filing of CRA-4 (Cost audit report) for FY 2018-19 is under development. The companies which are required to file CRA-4 (Cost audit report) for FY 2018-19 are required to use Costing Taxonomy 2019 only. Those who have already filed CRA-4 (Cost Audit Report) using the existing Costing […]
September 5, 2019
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Electronic vehicles are one of the emerging sector to invest for. In India, various fossil fuel crisis has exacted an enormous toll on humanity and the environment—from air and water pollution to global warming. That’s beyond all the negative impacts from petroleum-based products such as plastics and chemicals. Such impacts have left the government to […]
September 5, 2019
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How do you feel about the Indian economy at the moment? The Indian economy is definitely undergoing a slowdown, with Moodys downgrading India’s GDP growth rate to 6.2% against earlier projection of 6.8% for the year 2019. However as per the annual report of the Reserve Bank of India (2018-19) the current crises in the […]
June 27, 2019
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With the plethora of the laws and ever changing corporate milieu, people often end up contravening the various provisions of law. Therefore the GoI has provided for the compounding of offences under FEMA, whereby a person can voluntarily accept the contravention and apply for the compounding of offence, seeking redresal without going through the lengthy […]
May 1, 2019
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In this write up we endeavor to summarize the conditions for the purchase and sale of immovable property in India by a non resident Indians and overseas citizens of India. Ideally the NRI/OCIs are permitted to acquire the immovable property in India in the following manner: 1. Purchase; 2. Gift; 3. Inheritance; TERMS USED: 1. […]