ITAT Bangalore held that AO not allowed to interfere in method selected for valuation of share by the assessee u/s. 56(2)(viib) of the Income Tax Act read with rule 11UA(2) of the Income Tax Rules. Thus, AO cannot change the method from DCF to NAV method.
Delhi High Court held that in case of search, block period of ten years for search assessment, would not be attracted in case the search has taken place before 1st April 2017.
IBBI orders disciplinary action against Mr. S Vasudevan for alleged violations in the insolvency process of Mega Foods Products Madras Pvt Ltd.
SEBI issues an updated Master Circular for stock brokers, consolidating and rescinding previous circulars issued up to August 9, 2024.
IFSCA extends bullion trading guidelines until October 31, 2024, or until revised requirements are issued, according to circular F No. 329/IFSCA/Bullion MIIs/2024-25/04.
ITAT Ahmedabad held that interest income earned by the assessee (i.e. Cooperative society) from deposits with Cooperative Banks shall be allowed as deduction u/s 80P(2)(d) of the Income Tax Act.
Rajasthan High Court held that addition u/s. 68 of the Income Tax Act towards unexplained cash credit sustained as assessee failed to discharge initial onus of proving identity, creditworthiness and genuineness of transaction.