Learn how small businesses can effectively manage GST compliance in India. Explore challenges, checklist, and practical tips for smooth tax operations.
Discover which entities, including companies, LLPs, and more, are required to file FLA returns with RBI, and learn about exceptions to this filing requirement.
Learn how to draft a special resolution for the re-appointment of an Independent Director in compliance with Companies Act, 2013 and SEBI Regulations.
Explore impact of tax havens on income inequality in India, revenue loss, and legal reforms to address this pressing issue in global economy.
Discover essentials of Director KYC for fiscal year 2023-24. Learn about DIN, filing requirements, and consequences of non-compliance.
In present facts of the case, the Hon’ble High Court while considering the application under Trademarks Act have observed that it is well settled that a composite trademark is not to be dissected to determine whether there is any deceptive similarity with the impugned trademark and comparison has to be by taking the rival marks as a whole.
Bombay High Court held that jurisdiction to assess/ reassess u/s 153C of the Income Tax Act in respect of unabated/ completed assessments without any incriminating material found during the search unjustified.
ITAT Delhi held that addition by invoking provisions of section 41(1) of the Income Tax Act unjustified as liability reflected as outstanding in books of accounts and there is no evidence that such liability has ceased during the year.
ITAT Chennai held that in case the assessee claims depreciation on the new asset, then, it cannot claim investment allowance under Section 32AC of the Income Tax Act.
ITAT Chandigarh held that transaction not recorded at the time of survey qualify as unrecorded transactions, however, the assessee has provided the necessary explanation about the nature and source of such unrecorded transactions and hence invoking deeming provisions of section 69-69D of the Income Tax Act unjustified.