Portfolio Managers shall constitute a dealing team (DT) which shall be responsible for order placement and execution of all orders in accordance with the aforesaid policies of the Portfolio Manager. DT may include the Principal Officer or the person appointed in terms of Regulation 7(2) (e) of PMS Regulations.
Two-Factor Authentication for redemption of Mutual Fund units has been implemented with effect from June 01, 2022 for transactions outside stock exchange platforms and from July 01, 2022 for transactions on stock exchange platforms.
An IPE, recognised by IBBI, can seek registration as an IP with IBBI, by making an application in specified form along with a non-refundable application fee of two lakh rupees
Securities and Exchange Board of India Press Releases No. 29/2022 SEBI Board Meeting The SEBI Board met in Mumbai today and, inter-alia, took the following decisions: I. Introduction of Regulatory Framework to facilitate Online Bond Platform Providers and reduction in the face value of listed privately placed debt securities The Board approved the following proposals: […]