Request by Bank for issuance of Look Out Circular for recovery of dues was unjustified as the action of Bank was arbitrary, unreasonable and unfair because the Bank was holding security of value of which was more than the amount due from assessee. Any action of the State if it was arbitrary and unreasonable was liable to be interfered.
Since the maximum period of demurrage and detention charges waivers could be possible for 60 days, beyond which, there was no scope for such demurrage and detention charges waiver in view of the proviso to Regulations 10(l) of 2018 Regulations, since the said two months period had already been given from 18.11.2021 to 13.01.2022, beyond 13.01.2022, assessee could not seek for any such waiver for detention and demurrage charges.
Understand the applicability of accounting standards (AS) for corporate and non-corporate entities. Learn about the different levels and exemptions based on entity size.
Expenditure incurred would be allowable as deduction, notwithstanding the fact that no business income was earned by the assessee.
Understanding the complexities of valuation under Section 194R. Learn about the challenges and implications of tax deduction at source (TDS) in non-cash transactions.
1 जुलाई को 2022 GST भारत में लागू होने के 5 साल पूरे कर रहा है। इन 5 वर्षों ने कई चुनौतियों के साथ कई सुनहरे पल दिए हैं। इन चुनौतियों का सामना करदाताओं और पेशेवरों के साथ – साथ जीएसटी अधिकारियों और सरकार को करना पड़ा। इस 5वीं वर्षगांठ के विशेष लेख में, मैं […]
Stay compliant with the July 2022 GST and Income Tax deadlines. Learn about the due dates for TDS, PF/ESIC, and GST 3B payments.
Dharmesh Kirtikumar Saha Vs Union of India (Gujarat High Court) Facts: Applicant has entered into a criminal conspiracy for creating fake purchases of 2 (two) firms with well organize bogus billing syndicate which resulted into monetary loss of the government exchequer to the turn of Rs 9.33 crores. Applicant was served summon, however he didn’t not […]
As per Section 12(3)(c) of the Companies Act, 2013, ‘every company shall get its name , address of its registered office and Corporate Identity Number along with telephone number, fax number, if any, e mail and website addresses, if any , printed in all its business letters, bill heads, letter papers, and in all its notices and other official publications.’
A favorable business environment is a prerequisite for the economic growth of a nation. A country like India which is among the fastest developing countries in the world has the potential to surpass the leading countries in terms of business.