ICAI announces date for by Election to fill the casual vacancy on the twenty fifth Council of the Institute from the Western India Regional Constituency which caused due to sudden demise of CA Sunil Patodia. THE INSTITUTE OF CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS OF INDIA NOTIFICATION New Delhi, the 15th June, 2022 (Chartered Accountants) No. 54-Bye-EL(1)/2/2022.—In pursuance of […]
Draft Circular for the Standard Operating Procedure to be followed for facilitating jewelry exports through Courier and corresponding draft notifications for necessary amendment to Courier Imports and Exports (Electronic Declaration and Processing) Regulations, 2010
Whether a ‘NIL’ DPT-3 Form is required to be filed even if company is having no deposits or having exempted deposits?
How a Mega infrastructure Project is planned and later executed, cost & benefits to end-user as well as its contribution to economy of country.
Please find the Summarized presentation explaining the concept of Speaking orders and rationale for issuance of Instructions No: 3/2022-GST dated 14.06.2022 on Speaking order and Necessity of having Post-Audit of GST orders under GST Act and comparison of the same with Erstwhile Law.
Tanya Automobiles Pvt. Ltd. Vs ACIT (ITAT Delhi) It was pointed out by the Ld. Counsel for the assessee that the quantum appeal arising out of assessment order has been decided vide ITA No. 1842/Del/2017 and the addition has been deleted. The fact could not be controverted by the Revenue. The Bench is of firm […]
Methods (India) Pvt. Ltd. Vs DCIT (ITAT Bangalore) Karnataka High Court in the case of Essae Teraoka Pvt. Ltd Vs. DCIT (supra)¸ had held that the assessee would be entitled to deduction of employees’ contribution to PF and ESI provided that the payments were made prior to the due date of filing of the return […]
Application in GST ARA Form No. 01 of M/s. THE BOMBAY PRESIDENCY RADIO CLUB LTD., vide reference ARA No. 66 Dated 01.01.2021 is disposed of, as being withdrawn voluntarily and unconditionally.
Application in GST ARA Form No. 01 of by MIS. Ashok Nagar Co Op Housing Societies Association Ltd, vide reference Online ARA Application Dated 10.08.2020 is disposed of, as being withdrawn voluntarily and unconditionally.
The Application in GST ARA Form No. 01 of M/s. Abhilekh Nitin Vaidya, vide reference Online ARA Application Dated 25.07.2019 is disposed of, as being withdrawn voluntarily and unconditionally.