Civitech Developers Private Limited Vs National E-Assessment Centre (Delhi High Court) Personal hearing, if prayed, should be allowed else E-assessment order vitiates for non compliance of statutory provisions & Principles of Natural Justice The scheme of faceless E- Assessment provides for personal hearing in certain circumstances. In case where the request for personal video link […]
Recently, the Karnataka bench of AAR has passed a very important ruling on Second-hand gold jewellery and it has been noticed by many experts that’s, this is going to give a significant impact on the industry. The Karnataka AAR has passed a ruling in case of an application filed by the Aadhya Gold Private Limited […]
Overview of Section 9B Section 9B of the Income Tax Act, 1961 has been inserted vide Finance Act, 2021. It provides for taxation of Income on receipt of capital asset or stock in trade by the specified person from the specified entity. The section creates a deeming fiction that whenever there is a transfer by a specified entity to […]
The Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs (CBIC) vide notification number 94/2020 dated 22nd December, 2020 has introduced new rule 86B. Rule 86B is gets effective from 1st day of January 2021. As per new Rule 86B ITC has reduced from 10% to 5% of eligible ITC if ITC to be availed in respect of […]
The ongoing Covid-19 pandemic has left all of us in a situation of uncertainty, fear, trauma, helplessness and our businesses at the verge of collapsing. Folks have been at the receiving end on both Personal and Professional front, tales of children losing both their parents, founders of companies passing away have become a common norm […]
Har Krishan Vs President Secretariatt (Delhi High Court) This Court is of the opinion that whenever information is sought under the RTI Act, disclosure of an interest in the information sought would be necessary to establish the bonafides of the applicant. Non-disclosure of the same could result in injustice to several other affected persons, whose […]
शेयर बाजार में बढ़ता खुदरा निवेशक- कितना सही और कितना फर्जी? जिस तेजी से खुदरा निवेशक शेयर बाजार में बढ़ रहे हैं, विरोधाभास बढ़ता ही जा रहा है क्योंकि अर्थव्यवस्था के कारक कुछ और ही दर्शाते हैं. आपको हैरानी होगी कि खुदरा निवेशक 25% की दर से बढ़ रहे हैं और हर एक आईपीओ में […]
Lalitaben Govindbhai Patel Vs Gujarat State Financial Corporation (Gujarat High Court) The present litigation on the board of this Court in the form of Special Civil Application No.11116 of 2008 and Letters Patent Appeal No.2480 of 2010 has arisen on account of sheer misconception on the part of the writ petitioners and writ appellants in […]
Institute of Chartered Accountants of India My Dear Professional Colleagues, For too long mankind, indiscriminately extricating natural resources has treated nature as a limitless source for its needs. In the process, what nature took millions of years to create is being used up and destroyed in a flip in the geological lifetime of the earth. […]
Shri Deepak Das took charge as the new Controller General of Accounts here today. Shri Deepak Das is the 25th officer to hold the position of Controller General of Accounts (CGA).