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Archive: 14 May 2021

Posts in 14 May 2021

Section 80JJAA Tax Deduction in respect of employment of new employees

May 14, 2021 4470 Views 1 comment Print

India may be the fastest growing major economy in the world but that means little to the country’s 136 Crore people, many of whom continue to struggle to find the right kind of jobs. India’s unemployment rate stood at 7.97% in 2021 as compared to 6% in 2018 (Source: CMIE). With lakhs of young people […]

Sovereign Gold Bond Scheme (SGB) 2021-22- Series I/II/III/IV/V/VI

May 14, 2021 2505 Views 0 comment Print

Government of India has vide its Notification No F.No4.(4)-B (W&M)/2021 dated May 12, 2021 has announced the Sovereign Gold Bond Scheme 2020-21, Series I, II, III, IV, V and VI. Under the scheme there will be a distinct series (starting from Series I) for every tranche. The terms and conditions of the issuance of the Bonds shall be as per the above notification.

EOI for Internal / Statutory Audit of various units of ICAI

May 14, 2021 3825 Views 0 comment Print

Expression of Interest for Internal / Statutory Audit of various units of ICAI for the financial year 2021-22 Audit Committee (ICAI) has invited applications from eligible Chartered Accountant firms for appointment as Internal / Statutory Auditors of its various units for the financial year 2021-22. Notice inviting expression of interest is available at following link containing […]

Concept of “Days of Grace” Under Insurance Policy

May 14, 2021 15333 Views 0 comment Print

Dear Friends, we know that insurance has become one of the essential needs of people during their trying times. Insurance provides us financial safety against insured perils or risks. The risks may be man made or natural. We are facing today one of the greatest and dangerous pandemic COVID-19. This is man made and emerges […]

Why Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 is a ‘CODE’

May 14, 2021 1551 Views 0 comment Print

The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 (‘Code’) reconceptualised the framework for insolvency resolution in India. It provides a mechanism for the insolvency resolution of debtors in a time bound manner to enable maximisation of the value of their assets, with a view to promote entrepreneurship, availability of credit and balance the interests of all the […]

Checklist for Conversion of Private Company into LLP

May 14, 2021 6510 Views 2 comments Print

As we all are aware of the fact that LLPs has fewer compliances and additional benefits as compared to the Private Limited Companies, an unregistered or a registered Partnership firm , hence in this Article I will make an effort to Explain the relevant provisions of Chapter X read with Schedule III of the LLP […]

Export benefits in India

May 14, 2021 20901 Views 0 comment Print

Every country believes in keeping foreign reserves on a higher side to balance the economy. For that purpose, every economy tends to encourage the exports and motivate the indigenous production. To encourage the exporter every country provides a lot of benefits in terms of Duty Drawback etc. India is not behind compared to any other […]

COVID-19: Sputnik V vaccine Launched in Indian Market

May 14, 2021 1167 Views 0 comment Print

Dr. Reddy’s’ today announced that the first consignment of imported doses of the Sputnik V vaccine that landed ill India on 1st May, 2021. received regulatory clearance from the Central Drugs Laboratory, Kasauli, on 13th May. 2021. As part of a limited pilot, the soft launch of the vaccine has commenced and the first dose of the vaccine was administered in Hyderabad today on 14th May 2021.

Trusts- Direct & Indirect benefits under section 13

May 14, 2021 53088 Views 2 comments Print

Section 11 of the Income-Tax Act, 1961 excludes from the income of charitable or religious trusts to the extent applied towards the objects of such trusts. However there are several conditions lay down under section 11 of the Act, for the purpose of claiming exemption in respect of the income of a charitable or religious […]

Section 143(2) Notice on very same day of Return Filing makes Reassessment Invalid

May 14, 2021 2997 Views 0 comment Print

Simranpal Singh Suri Vs ITO (ITAT Delhi) This shows that the notice u/s 143(2) was issued to the assessee on the very same day on which the assessee appeared and furnished copy of ITR in response to notice u/s 148 of the IT Act. It has been held in various decisions that when the notice […]

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