n online module for Adjudication, Appeal, Review proceedings under Foreign Trade (Development & Regulation) Act, 1992, (‘the Act’) as amended and Foreign Trade (Regulation) Rules, 1993, (“the Rules’ ) as amended has been implemented with effect from 27th February 2021.
Residential accommodation for nuns and hostels for students which were attached to various educational institutions could claim property tax exemption under Kerala Building Tax Act, 1975.
In re Eastern Polymers (GST AAR Kerala) Q:Whether mixing of rubber compound on the materials supplied by the principal and returning the finished products to the principal will come under Sl.No. 26(i)(b) of Notification 11/2017 -CT(Rate) and SRO.No.370/2017? Answer: Mixing of rubber compound on the materials supplied by the principal and returning the finished products […]
The Financial Action Task Force (FATF), vide public document ‘High-Risk Jurisdictions subject to a Call for Action’ dated February 25, 2021, has called on its members and other jurisdictions to refer to the statement on these jurisdictions adopted in February 2020.
Kiran Kumar Vs ACIT (ITAT Chennai) The AO disallowed the exemption claimed u/s.10(38) solely based on the investigation report by SEBI pertaining to certain cases based from Kolkatta wherein share prices rigged substantially over a period of time. Merely on suspicion and surmises, this disallowance was made without any corroborative evidence. The AO failed to […]
In re Soft turf (GST AAAR Kerala) AAAR held that impugned goads viz. PVC carpet Mat would fall in the Customs Tariff heading 3918 and applicable rate of GST would be 18% (9% each of CGST and SGST). However, this order is restricted to the types of PVC floor coverings/Carpet/Mats being manufactured by the Applicant […]
In re Santhosh Distributors Kottayam (GST AAAR Kerala) 1. Whether the discount provided by the M/s Castrol to their dealers through the appellant attracts any tax under GST ? Yes, the additional discount reimbursed by M/s Castrol, is liable to be added to the consideration payable by the customers or dealers to the appellant. The […]
Parveen Jain Vs Directorate of GST Intelligence (Rohtak Court) In this case the firms which played vital role in issuance of fake invoices are registered at New Delhi. The complainant department has not shown so far that the six firms located at Rohtak (mentioned in Para no 3 of Reply) or their proprietors have been […]
In This Article, We Will analyse various Provisions of Custom Laws in context to ‘Custom Bonded Warehousing, Warehousing/bonded movement under the Custom Act 1962, Provisional Assessment of duty, Claim of refund of customs duty, Procedures of clearance of goods for Home consumption, warehousing bond, Manufacture and other operation in warehouse, clearance of warehouse goods for […]
Tele: 25683476 Central Organisation ECHS Integrated HQ of MoD (Army) Adjutant General’s Branch Thimayya Marg Near Gopinath Circle Delhi Cantt-110010 01 Mar 2021 B/49762/AG/ECHS/2021 IHQ of MoD (Navy)/Dir ECHS (N) Air HQ (VB)/DPS HQ Southern Command (A/ECHS) HQ Eastern Command (A/ECHS) HQ Western Command (A/ECHS) HQ Central Command (A/ECHS) HQ Northern Command (A/ECHS) HQ South […]