SECTION 139 OF INCOME TAX ACT’1961 [AMENDED UPTO FINANCE ACT (NO.2) 2019] Ques 1: Why this post? Ans: In the approaching return filing season the aforesaid section namely ‘FILING OF RETURN’ has a great importance and that too w.r.t. amendments it contains till AY 2020-21 i.e. FY 19-20. Thus, the author has come up with […]
In today’s scenario every next person is facing the problems of fear and slowly slowly he is moving towards the depression. Even some times we will see that fear is unnecessary and then as well because of that fear either person is going into depression or committing suicide. A teenager commit suicide just because he […]
If the valuation agencies appointed by AMFI are of the view that the delay in payment of interest/principal or extension of maturity of a security by the issuer has arisen solely due to COVID-19 pandemic lockdown and/or in light of the moratorium permitted by Reserve Bank of India (RBI) (vide notification no. RBI/201 9-20/186, dated March 27, 2020) creating temporary operational challenges in servicing debt, then valuation agencies may not consider the same as a default for the purpose of valuation of money market or debt securities held by Mutual Funds.
The Ministry of Corporate Affairs after receiving representations from various stakeholders has rolled out a one time opportunity for all the corporates in India to make all the pending ROC filings including the annual filings without paying any kind of additional fees. The Ministry of Corporate Affairs has launched a scheme vide its General Circular […]
While the entire Business Operations are shut down, the Business Community is under stress because many have to shut down their operations permanently due various reasons which are beyond their control, which they might not have dreamt of. To give stimulus to the suffering business community and to fight the epidemic the CBDT can announce […]
It may be a paradox, but never prepare for exams for the sake of exams. Clearing exams is actually the easy part. Once you are a CA, your Employer/Client, peers, society at large has high expectations on you. If you ask me, that is where the real exam starts! If you prepare only for the sake of exams, you will have a rude awakening once you start your practice or join employment. Learn the subjects keeping in mind the application of those subjects in the real world.
Half-yearly return with the registrar in respect of outstanding payments to Micro or Small Enterprise Q.1 Form for filing the return in respect of outstanding payments to Micro or Small Enterprise? Ans: MSME Form I Q.2 What is the frequency of Reporting? Ans: Half Yearly Q.3 What is the Last Date of Filing the return? […]
Automatic Extension of Import Validity period and EO period by 6 months for AAs under HBP Para 4.41(e) and Para 4.42(h) where no revalidation/EO period extension has been granted till date:
Web form AGILE-PRO is required to be filed pursuant to Rule 38(A) of the Companies (Incorporation) Rules, 2014. The application for incorporation of a company under rule 38 shall be accompanied with AGILE-PRO (INC-35). Rule 38A: Application for registration of Goods and Service Tax Identification Number (GSTIN), Employee State Insurance Corporation (ESIC) registration, Employees’ Provident […]
The electronic card for Overdraft Accounts in the nature of personal loans shall be allowed to be used for domestic transactions only. Further, adequate checks and balances shall be put in place to ensure that the usage of such cards is restricted to facilitate online/ non-cash transactions. The restriction on cash transaction will not apply to overdraft facility provided along with Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana (PMJDY) accounts.