Corporate Insolvency Resolution Process is a recovery mechanism for creditors. If a corporate becomes insolvent, a financial creditor, an operational creditor, or the corporate itself may initiate CIRP. The insolvency resolution process (IRP) is a one under the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016, where the National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT) initiates a corporate insolvency resolution […]
The Corona Virus (Covid-19) outbreak has impacted lives of citizens, severely impacted the trade, commerce, industry and the entire business community. The Hon Prime Minister took bold initiative and declared health emergency.
Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) vide notification / Circular No. SEBI/HO/CFD/CMD1/CIR/P/2020/48 issued and publish dated 26th March 2020, has published Further relaxations from compliance with certain provisions of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 (LODR) and the SEBI circular dated January 22, 2020 relating to Standard Operating Procedure due to […]
Introduction The Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) is seen as an alternative corporate business vehicle that gives the advantages of Limited Liability yet permits its individuals the flexibility of sorting out their inward structure as an organization in light of a mutually arrived agreement. Attributable to flexibility in its structure and activity, the LLP regularly become the favoured choice for […]
Article explains Key provisions relating to transfer of shares by way of GIFT, Provisions on Transfer of Shares, Procedure for transfer of shares by way of Gift, Documents required to be prepared and Other key provisions relating to the transfer of shares by GIFT. In general terms, the word transfer means a conveyance of property, […]
Not all offences under Section 441 of the the Companies Act 2013 can be compounded. As per 441(1) as amended by the Companies (Amendment Ordinance) 2018 dated 02.11.2018 any offence punishable under this act (whether committed by a Company or any officer thereof) (not being an offence punishable with imprisonment only , or punishable with imprisonment and also with fine) may either before or after the institution of any prosecution be compounded.
♦ The private limited company is governed by section 2 (68) of Companies act 2013 and relevant rules. ♦ It is a form of Business in which a small group of people manages this type of entity privately without any Public interference. ♦ To form a private company the requirement of a minimum of 2 […]
Note on Recovery of expenses form Employees wrt Food and Transportation facility etc: – Now a days it’s very common that companies are doing some recoveries on account of food and transportation facility being provided to their employees, let us discuss these aspects under GST in simplest way:- √ By virtue of Schedule I of […]
It is being observed that number of members of the Institute, whether in practice or not, have raised concerns over the payment of Annual Membership Fee and Renewal of Certificate of Practice on or after 1st April 2020 in wake of COVID 19 lock down.
In my last article ‘‘Decoding India’s Trade Agreements – Part –1‘ , I had discussed about the various types of International Trade Agreements and their importance and as to why the exporters and importers should be aware of the various benefits available to them for the exports from India and imports into India. In this […]