Central government is taking various initiatives to reduce transactions in cash thereby increasing transactions through banks. So in F.Y. 2016-17 what will be effect of all this and on income tax provisions?
In the first entry of new GST draft law, services provided by an employee to the employer in the course of or in relation to his employment is mentioned. This means that service provided by employee to his employer will not be considered as supply and no GST will be leviable.
Everybody faces hardship of life. Life is simple, though appears to be complex. It’s interpretation and handling of life that matters the most. Just look at Lotus plant floating in a pool of water.
Keeping in mind highest standards of Chartered Accountancy profession in India, Council of ICAI thought it necessary to issue such KYC norms to be observed by members of profession who are in practice.
ICAI has revised it advisory and removed the part which advises members to not to share /write any negative personal views by way of an article or interview on any platform regarding demonetisation. ANNOUNCEMENT For attention of Members Demonetisation Policy announced by Government of India- An Advisory for Members As you may be aware, the […]