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Archive: 09 July 2015

Posts in 09 July 2015

Section 206AA v/s 90(2)- Which will prevail over other

July 9, 2015 6874 Views 0 comment Print

One of the decisions rendered by the Bangalore ITAT in the year 2012 relating to Section 206AA, in case of Bosch Ltd. (141 ITD 38) confirming its ability to Override the provisions of the Entire Income Tax Act. However as regards dispute that was there before the Hon. bench was only with regard to Section 139A(8)(d) read with Rule 114C and 206AA.

Cutting of jumbo rolls into smaller sizes and printing on them does not amount to manufacture

July 9, 2015 1955 Views 0 comment Print

In the case of CCE&C vs. M/s Rasmi Wax Coated Paper & Printing Industry it was held by Andhra Pradesh High Court that the subject processes viz., printing, slitting and winding Cork Tipping Paper does not amount to manufacture and no subject processes undertaken by the assessee was bringing

Mere Cutting of jumbo roll of paper into smaller size is not Manufacture: HC

July 9, 2015 1303 Views 0 comment Print

CCEC v. Rasmi Wax Coated Paper & Printing Industry (High Court of Andhra Pradesh)- Mere cutting of jumbo rolls of paper into smaller sizes and printing thereon by job-worker resulting into ‘printed cork tipping paper’ does amount to ‘manufacture’ for purpose of charging excise duty.

Operationalisation of online payments through debit/credit cards

July 9, 2015 361 Views 0 comment Print

As a measure of Trade Facilitation and Ease of Doing Business, DGFT has already operationalised the facility of Online filing of various applications by the exporters/importers under the Foreign Trade Policy (2015-20). Early this year, DGFT also operationalised the facility of online submission of applications for issue of online Importer Exporter Code in digital format or e-IEC for exporters/importers.

In case of covered matter Tribunal can waive Pre-Deposit condition: HC

July 9, 2015 1072 Views 0 comment Print

CCCE&S Vs. M/s TPSC (India) Pvt. Ltd. (Andhra Pradesh HC)- Contention of the learned Standing Counsel for the Department that the Tribunal ought not to have granted absolute waiver and also stay of recovery without imposing any condition, does not merit any consideration in the facts of the case.

Anti-dumping duty on imports of steel and fibre glass measuring tapes and their parts

July 9, 2015 1653 Views 0 comment Print

NOTIFICATION NO. 31/2015-Customs (ADD), Dated: July 9, 2015- Seeks to levy definitive anti-dumping duty on imports of steel and fibre glass measuring tapes and their parts and components, originating in or exported from the People’s Republic of China for a period of five years

Delhi VAT – Procedure for matching of Annexure 2A and 2B

July 9, 2015 4006 Views 0 comment Print

It is herby informed to all concerned that department proposes to further streamline the matching of Annexure 2A and 2B as per the following procedures. Comments of all stakeholders are invited upto 20/07/15 before finalization of the same( As Directed by CLAT)

Depreciation under Companies Act, 2013 on extra shift

July 9, 2015 60569 Views 0 comment Print

The useful lives of assets working on shift basis have been specified in the Schedule based on their single shift working. Except for assets in respect of which no extra shift depreciation is permitted (indicated by NESD in Part C above), if an asset is used for any time during the year for double shift, the depreciation will increase by 50% for that period and in case of the triple shift the depreciation shall be calculated on the basis of 100% for that period.

Growing Pains of Small Sole Proprietor CA Firms

July 9, 2015 26395 Views 23 comments Print

It is a bare truth that chartered Accountant profession needs progressive dimension of running a successful Audit firm. Another truth is that in today’s national scene It is time that with the visualization & aspiration, every individual or sole proprietor should create new avenues and be ready to successfully administer his or her practice. My vision is not an extravagance, but an essential role in shaping the sole proprietor firms.

DGFT Launches online payment facility for application fees through Credit/ Debit Cards

July 9, 2015 4853 Views 0 comment Print

Visa / Master Card Credit card transaction: 1.45% of payment amount per transaction. Visa / Master Card/Rupay Debit Card transactions: For transactions upto Rs.2000/- : 0.75% of payment amount per transaction. For transactions above Rs.2000/- : 1.00% of payment amount per transaction.

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